Chapter 12 - Jumpsuit

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    A week had gone by without a single word from Reid. Garcia gave in to her intuition and tried to track his phone. No luck. Either his phone had been shut off for a long period of time or disconnected because she could not locate a signal. Prentiss kept telling you there was nothing to worry about since he did inform the BAU that he would be away for a period of time. Something just didn't feel right.

You tried to push any negative thoughts out of your head. A new case was brought it and you knew your job came first. That was the major downside to working with the FBI. You had to put your personal life aside and give everything to the case.


Two days later and another case solved. Still not a word from Reid. You arrived back at the BAU to Garcia waiting on you with a hug. This had become a daily thing. Every time she saw you she would bring you into a comfort hug.

"Any news?" She broke the hug.

You shook your head.

"We'll hear from him," Alvez placed his hand on your shoulder joining the conversation.

    You noticed Prentiss privately calling Jj into her office. It looked as if she was trying to avoid getting anyone else's attention. She made brief eye contact with you then turned away into her office with Jj.

"I hope it's not another case," Tara broke the silence.

Everyone knew that was not the case but Tara was trying to help the situation. Before long, Prentiss and Jj emerged and joined the group.

"Reid is in Mexico, he was arrested on drug suspicion with intention to distribute and as well as first degree murder," Prentiss informed everyone but stared directly at you.

Your heart sank. There was no way that Reid could have done anything close to this. Garcia looked like she was about to pass out.

"We're going to Mexico to get him out of there," Prentiss assured.

It was obvious that she didn't believe he did it either. Nobody believed it.

"He's going to be okay Y/N," Jj tried smiling at you.

    Everyone loaded back up on the jet for the second time that day. You didn't know what to expect once the team landed in Mexico. Why was Reid in Mexico to begin with? How did they manage to charge him with drug possession? First degree murder? Questions raced through your mind nonstop for the whole five hour flight.

    The team touched down in Mexico and right away headed to the police station. Reid was being held in a cell at a station waiting for orders since he was an American citizen. Prentiss and Rossi went to talk to the unit chief. One of the officers led you and Alvez to the cell that Reid was in.

    Reid was sitting on a metal bench hunched over when you first saw him. It broke your heart. He looked like a complete mess. His head didn't move when you walked over towards him.

    "Hey man," Alvez broke the silence.

    This made Reid look up and you saw something in his eyes click.

    "What are you doing here?" Reid looked panicked.

    "We're going to get you out of here," Alvez reassured him.

    This didn't seem to change his demeanor. He seemed off. He didn't seem like himself.

    "I didn't do anything. They drugged me. I can't think. I don't know what happened but I didn't do anything," Reid completely panicked.

    "Reid, we believe you," You went up to the cell.

    "I can't remember anything. I just remember this hotel room then I was in a car chase after someone," He sat back on the bench.

    "Calm down. We will get it all cleared up, okay?" You were trying to convince yourself at the same time.

Nobody in the police station believed Reid. Prentiss was trying to get Reid turned over into FBI's custody but it was tricky due to the fact that he left the country not on government business. The unit chief wanted Reid to be locked up here in Mexico. You and the team knew he would face harder sentences if that was the case.

Reid explained that he was in Mexico trying to get more medication for his mom to treat her dementia. He was meeting a woman in a hotel room to get the medicine and that's when his memory cuts out. The problem with that is the woman who he was meeting turned up dead in that exact hotel. The whole reason Reid was arrested in the first place is due to the car chase. A police officer saw Reid speeding after someone and he got caught. In his trunk he had kilos of drugs for "distribution".

    This just might be our biggest case yet.

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