Chapter 13 - Visitation

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Prentiss was doing everything in her hands to get Reid's case put in the FBI's hands. She managed to get his trial moved to the United States that way he could at least be released from holding in Mexico. The only reason Prentiss managed that is because the woman he was meeting for the medicine had dual citizenship.

You were waiting by the holding cell with Reid for the officers to escort him out to transport.

"Y/n, do you really believe me?" Reid asked with a saddened expression you have never seen before.

    "Of course, Spence. I told you we're going to get you out of here," You put one of your hands on the bars.

"I'm not getting out anytime soon," He sighed.

"Hey, don't say that. You have to let us do our job. You should know this out of anyone," You tried to reassure him.

    "Alright doc, time to go," An officer came and unlocked the cell.

    Two officers came to escort him to the jet. The team was able to take him back to America, but immediately after landing Reid had to go right back into custody. You hugged onto him so tight when you boarded the plane. It was no one else but Reid and the rest of the team anyway. Reid held onto you the same. You found comfort in his warmth and his  particular scent.

    "I have some bad news," Prentiss got everyone's attention.

    "More bad news?" Jj sighed.

    "The FBI refuses to have our back in this. Reid didn't clear protocol when traveling out of the country. The Beauro said since they were unaware that you were out of the country they can't assist in the case," Prentiss explained. 

    Everyone went completely silent. The only sound that could be heard was the soft hum of the engine. Reid didn't have the FBI's support. He only had the team standing behind him for support. You could see the expression on his face change when Prentiss said this. His eyes appeared hopeless.

"I'm trying to get in contact with the best lawyer I know, Reid. We'll prove your innocence," Prentiss reassured but he didn't seem fazed.

    Reid was escorted into transport right after stepping foot on the ground. They were taking him to what was supposed to be protective custody. However, Reid ended up being placed with general population. The warden told Prentiss he would be a better fit there.

You were back at the BAU with Garcia trying to find anything to prove Reid's innocence.

"He can't stay in there. His brain is not meant for jail," Garcia frantically typed away.

"Emily said we can visit him at least," You went through the police report.

"Do you have a visit scheduled?" She asked glancing up from her screen.

"Not yet-"

"What are you waiting for? Let me set the lovebirds up right now!" She immediately hopped on the jail's website.

    You laughed and rolled your eyes trying to focus on the papers in front of you. Garcia came over and snatched the papers out of your hands.

    "It takes a minute to get there. You might want to go ahead," She grinned.

    Leave it to Garcia to make spontaneous plans. You couldn't complain though since you got to go visit Reid. It still felt unreal. Having to go to a jail to see your boyfriend. Plus the fact that he was arrested for murder.

The guard patted you down and escorted you to a chair located at a table. On top of the table dividing it in two was glass that came up to half your height. You saw one of the guards leading a line of inmates down the hallway to the visitation and it hit. These are all the men Spence is in here with. Unlike him, they are more than likely guilty of their charges.

Reid in a jumpsuit nearly brought you to tears but you knew you had to be strong for him. He came over to the table and was about to pull you into a hug when a guard got onto him for touching.

"You shouldn't be here," Reid looked concerned.

"What do you mean?" You were confused.

"They don't know who I am in here. You know I've probably arrested some of the people I sleep next to?" He was whispering at this point.

"Emily is trying to get you back under protective custody," You had talked to many people in life threatening situations due to your job but for some reason you didn't know what to say to Reid in this situation.

    There was a silence. Not an awkward one but just a silence. Visitation ran out and Reid was forced to get back in line with the other inmates. You could tell everything was already taking a toll on him.

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