Liu Kang X Kitana Sindel Arc Part 4

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Kitana opened her eyes to fin herself standing on what she believed was marvel floor. Upon looking around Kitana found herself overwhelmed by emotion. She was home. Kitana was in Edenia.  Looking around filled Kitana with a sense of home, something she had not felt since before Shao Kahn's invasion. For a moment she forgot all about everything, having been brought her  ancestral home.

"It's lovely." said a familiar voice.

Turning Kitana was greeted by her lover, Liu Kang. "Liu what happened? First we were fight my mom then we are here?" she asked. "I don't know." Liu responded. In truth he did not know. He just hoped it would work out. They held each other. Neither wanted to believe this was the end. They wanted to marry, have kids, raise them, and grow old together. The only bright side is that they were together.

"My dear Kitana you are not ready yet." said a voice that caused Kitana joy. They both saw the Queen of Edenia, Sindel. Only she did not look evil, she looked... benevolent.

"Mother?" Kitana said cautiously. Sindel only smiled her eyes full of love. Kitana approached uneasily until she got closer and saw the person who was in front of her was her REAL mom. 

"Mother!" Kiatan happily threw her arms around her mother, who in kind wrapped her arms around her to. Kitana cried tears of joy having finally been reunited with her ACTUAL mom.  

Finally both pulled away with teary eyes. "Mother what happened?" Kitana asked. Sindel smiled before wiping her tears away, something she remembered doing when she was still little.

"First you and Liu Kang are not dead." A new voice said. Liu Kang, Kitana, Sindel, turned their attention to a new comer. It was a male with a blue cape, gray hair and robes. "Lord Argus." Liu Kang spotted bowing in respect. "Lord Argus I don't understand what happened, why are we hear, what happened to our friends?" Kitana asked. "One thing at a time."

"First you two are in the space between life and death, second I brought you three hear in order to speak with you, third all your friends are safe back in Earthrealm." The god explained. 

"What did you wish to explain?" Kitana asked.

"First I am sad to say Edenia can never be saved." Liu Kang could see the pained expression on Kitana and Sindel's face. He walked over placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Kitana smiled before turning her attention to Argus.

"I don't understand Lord Argus, how did this happen?" Sindel asked. The god sighed knowing this would not be easy to explain. "When Kronika merged the past and present she did more then bringing people from the past to the present. She also merged the worlds together as well. Since Edenia was merged with Outworld in past and she brought that to the future Edenia is parentally lost." the news devastating everyone.

"I'm sorry." Liu said genuinely sad.

"Oh Liu!" Kitana cried burring her face in his chest. The Champion comforted her as best he could.

"All is not lost." Argus said drawing their attention again. Argus raised his hand holding the Amulet of Shinnok. Much to their shock the amulet began to crack before crumbling to gold dust. "Lord Argus I thought the Amulet could not be destroyed." Liu Kang said in shock.

"For a demi god yes. Not an Elder God. Kronika may be gone but, this device was her last attempt to  meddle with the timeline." Argus explained. 

"I thought she was dead." Kitana said.

"Yes but Lord Raiden is still tempted by it. The true reason this item was created was not for Shinnok but, Raiden."

"I don't understand." Sindel said.

"When Scorpion from the past came to honor his future self's wishes Raiden tempted by the darkness attacked him and Liu Kang. When he realized this Raiden worked on redemption. When you two went to the NetherRealm to rescue Sindel and the other revenants he was tempted again. As long as the amulet exist he will tempt Raiden." Argus explained.

"So since you destroyed it, Lord Raiden will not be tempted?" Liu Kang asked.

"Indeed." Argus confirmed.

"Okay what happened to Ermac?" Kitana asked.

"That is the second part of this." Argus answered.

The 3 raised a  brown before Argus moved aside to reveal a new person who relived Kitana and Sindel's heart, King Jerrod. The tow ran to embrace their father/husband. "The explosion destroyed Ermac and all the trapped souls were freed." Argus explained. "Enjoy your time together." Argus said disappearing.

30 minutes an hour. However much time passed was with fun and laughter between the four. Liu Kang and Kitana were properly introduced with the King and Queen. Tales of what happened were shared while the parents poked fun at the young couple. Both were impressed by Liu Kang's character and had no objections to their love. Sadly all good things come to an end. Argus reappeared to guide the Queen and King to the after life.

Both prepared a final message for the two.

"Kitana I want you to know your father and I are proud of the women you've become. You are smart, strong, beautiful, and amazing. Thank you Kitana. Thank you for becoming such an amazing woman. Even though I couldn't help."Sindel said hugging her daughter while crying.  While this was going on Jerrod went Liu Kang. 

"King Jerrod." Liu Kang said.

"Hold out your hand." is all he would say.

Kang complied holding out his hand. The King brought his clenched hand to Liu Kang's and he felt to pieces of metal being put in his hands. His eyes widen in realization at what he was just handed. Looking back Jerrod put a hand on his shoulder, "Treat her well." was all he would say before walking back to his wife and daughter.

"Good bye my precocious daughter." Jerrod said hugging.

"I'm gonna miss you." Kitana said.

"You realize we will never be a apart. We are always with you Kitana." the family enjoyed one last hug before Kitana back up. "Place your hand forward."  Liu Kang and Kitana did as told and both placed a hand full. Liu placing the one that was empty. Sindel place a hand in Kitanas while Jerrod did the same with Liu Kang. Argus snapped his finger in a blink the young couple were back in their bedroom. Liu caught Kitana who fell forward. At first worried but he came to the realization that she was exhausted. Smiling he put his beloved in bed, left a note, then went to inform their friends.


Dear readers I know its been a while I have no excuse. Anyway here is part 4. Next will be the finale. I wonder what did Kitana's dad give Liu Kang. stay tuned. Please leave a comment and review.

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