(Chapter 3) Elementary Evil

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"Eight more pieces to go. Are you ready for another nightmare?" Bierce asked with a bit bitterness in her voice.

I nodded with annoyance and walked up to the portal that was next to the monkey portal, it was a little girl in it but evil. Something was telling me not to go in the portal, but If I didn't then there would be consequences to my actions, so I went in the portal to collect the shards of lost souls who had met their end.

As I went in the portal, I saw a barrier blocking the entrance of the door. I was confused but most of all angry because I wanted to get this over with.

"Malak has blocked the entrance. I don't think he likes you very much."

"You think?" I asked in annoyance

"You don't have to be bitter, love. I understand how it feels doing all of these tasks on your own with monsters chasing you left and right. Now please, go to the ring alter. I can unlock the power to boost your speed for brief periods of time."

I walked back to Bierce's Ballroom, to see the ring alter glowing a bit, I walked closer and started to touch it. I felt so energized, but I didn't waste it.....yet.

"Use it wisely. And don't thank me- we'll work that out later." She said with a smug on her face. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the portal with the barrier blocking the way. Once I saw the barrier I ran through it, the barrier broke in pieces. But now the corridor was even more darker than it was before. I went though the door to see an abandoned school.

"Don't you ever miss your school days? After all, it was the time you were innocent." Bierce said with consent and mockingly voice.

I growled with stubbornness and I stomped my foot on the floor. I don't even want to do this shit. All I wanted was to go back home and to relax in my bedroom and to see my family and friends again. But now I'm stuck in this shithole until I get out of it.

"Another barrier. You know what to do" she said in a smugful voice.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Bierce" I said in annoyance.

I walked up to the barrier and ran into it again. It was so satisfying to hear it the barrier break into pieces. I continue running and until I saw a school bus blocking the way a little. I really didn't care about that right now.

I kept running though the halls until I was near to doors that was connected together. I opened the door to see the stage. My head clicks a memory when I was on the stage with my best friends. We was playing around with the other students while the teacher wasn't here. It was a fun memory for me.

As I walked close to the stage, the lights started to turn on. I heard the piano playing a welcoming music. When the piano stopped playing a demonic little girl appeared out of nowhere. I jumped a little, I was disturbed.

"Oooh a new mommy! I'm so excited! Welcome! I heard i was getting a mommy here soon. So i put together this little welcoming party for ya! It's really nice to have a mother to play with. Don't tell the others..but they've been getting pretty boring lately. Hehe But you'll spice things up around here won't ya mother? You can share everything with me mommy, all your secrets, all your mistakes, all your pain. that's what families are for, RiGht? "

As she disappeared, I jumped a lot in fear. What did she meant by mother/mommy? I didn't want to be a mother. I have a life already. Well for now I don't but I just don't want to be one right now.

"Looks like schools back in session." Bierce said with a little plainess in her voice. I started to walk around until I heard-

"Ready or not, here I come MOMMY!"

{Closed Doors}Yandere Malak x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now