(Chapter 4) Deadly Decadence

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"Two down, seven more to go. want to try for another?" Bierce asked me kindly.

I nodded. I wanted to get this portal done fast, I was too excited for the other portal I'm about to jump into. I noticed the third portal with a pirate face in it. The monster looks like a human too, but I realized that it was a statue. I walked into the portal once again to see a cliff with spikes on the bottom. I gulped in fear and looked away.

"You'll need than a speed boost to get across that. Fall into the pit and I think we can both guess where you'll end up. Fortunately for you, I can give you the power to jump across. No, not with those spindly legs of yours. I'm talking teleportation. Go to the ring alter."

"Ooooooh ok" I said in realization but at the same time offended of what she said to me about my legs. I have beautiful legs, I think she's just jealous. I walked to the ring alter to boost up the power called 'Teleportation.' I touched the statue once again and felt like that I can teleport everywhere I go. I was pleased, I thanked Bierce and went to the statue portal that looked humanoid.

"Go on, give it a try. I'll just add it to your tab." She said jokingly

"Whatever Bierce..." I said unamused. I went in the portal, greeted by spikes again, I switched speed boost to teleportation. After that I started to teleport like a magician. '

Finally I made it to the door. That was a relief' I thoughted in my mind, I walked through the door to be greeted by a beautiful manor, but I couldn't see it far from here.

"Keep your eyes open, love. The statues in this place are awfully life-like."

I nodded in agreement. I continued walking to the royal-like doors that was connected, I pushed it opened and saw a Beautiful garden. But was greeted by a statue standing on top of the table where they use to put the statues there for people to see or take pictures.

" I wonder who does the landscaping here. Very impressive." Bierce said with an impressive voice filled in it. I couldn't blame Bierce. It was impressive, most likely beautiful. I wish this was my home. But I can't..Such shame.

I walked in to the maze to collect the shards, after I collected three of the shards I heard laughter coming from behind me. I turn around doing a 360, seeing a smiling statue in front of me. It continued to look at me but I backed away slowly... after I back away slowly I ran to collect more shards.

"In case you were wondering, Yes. Those footsteps are getting louder!" Bierce said with warned voice. I got startled by her, almost yelling. I ran as Fast as I could but the footsteps were behind me, getting closer. I panicked as I let my legs took over to run. I avoided the harpoons that were rising from the traps they putted.

So I collected one more shard from the garden.

"This zone is clear, get to the manor!" Bierce said with plainness.

~Timeskips while avoiding traps and the goldwatchers~

I panted because I'm so out of breath, I can't believe that I had to run to get so many of these shards to go home. Well, whatever. I don't mind anyway, I looked up at the manor. It's so Beautiful, I looked at it with a dreamily expression.

"How nostalgic. I used to have a manor like this. Much bigger of course." She said dreamily I wish I had a manor like this, But I tried to work hard to get a manor like this. I wanted to help my family. But I still will work harder to get a manor like this. Hopefully.

I opened the door to the manor to see it all golden and shiny, It felt like a dream. I wanted to have a future with in the manor.

"Is it terribly rude if you let yourself in unannounced?" Bierce said with a Questioning voice.

I didn't really care, so I kept searching for shards to get my mind off of the 'buying a manor thing' because it really frustrates me when I think of it. I heard laughing from behind me. I ran to get as many shards as I can. I avoided some traps in the manor again. When will I get out of this manor? I ran past the statues and grabbed the ring piece.

"This nightmare is collapsing. You need to get back to the portal!" Bierce said in panic.


I ran outside the manor, trying to escape from the statues. I panicked and ran to the entrance I came from before collecting the shards. I ran and opened the gate door and saw the portal.

'I have to hurry before it's too late' I thought in my head in panic.

"There's no escape for you, My love~" I heard Malak yelled out in the distance. I panicked and ran to the portal before the statues could get me.

I was back in the ballroom. Safe and sound, I sighed in relief that I was back. I don't want to go back there again. I heard Bierce talked first so I turned to her first.

"Heheheh I didn't think you'd make it this far love, I really didn't! Who knows, you might go all the way..."

"Sweetheart, If you believe her than she's lying, Once she gets what she wants, your done. which I don't want to happen, dear" Malak said with love and concern in his voice.

"Oh yes. Trust the bloodthirsty demon. No doubt he has your best interests at heart!" Bierce said mockingly and cruel about him.

Malak wasn't amused, he started to glare at her with hatred and depisement.

"Hrgghh..." He growled in frustration.

I looked away in fear and confusion. But looked back at Bierce with concern and sternness.

"Six Pieces left. Ready to try again?" She said with patients and loving filled in her voice.

I nodded in agreement.

Another portal popped out and it was a picture of a ducky with liquid dripping from it's beak. I got started a bit but sighed.

'I guess I have to stay alive for a little longer I guess." I thought in my mind, but I was determined to beat this and go home.'

{Closed Doors}Yandere Malak x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now