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Time goes by so fast that before he knew it another year has gone by, the twins was 3 years old, and what an exhausting day it was! His beautiful husband is still perfect! I cant imagine his patience! dealing with me, and the kids, and work. but he makes it looks so easy! Now today is the 3rd year anniversary of when he said yes. He couldnt wait to celebrate with his husband, and kids. Xiao thoughts all of this while waiting for the damn traffic light to turn green.

Just as Xiao turns to make a left turn on to the next street, Xiao notice that an elementary school bus was also turning to make the turn, as he also saw a Dump truck coming really fast through the opposite intersection trying to make the traffic light. Xiao knew those kids wouldn't make it if he didnt stop the dump truck with his car. Just as he was trying to put his plan into action, he realize time had stop. He saw four men, all in black walking around the elementary school bus as if they were waiting to escort them.

"Wait!!! Hold on!" Xiao scream as he got out his car running towards the men.

Reaper 1, " how????? you can see us? how???"

"I dont know"

"Yes you do, did you make a decision?" he asked scrutinizing Xiao from head to toe.

"A decision? what do you mean?"

"Like how you aren't supposed to see us, and why time has stop, except you made a stupid decision".

"oh". "are you here to stop the accident "?

"oh no we are reapers, we are here to escort them across".

"all the kids will die?

"yes, including the dump truck driver and his passenger".

"why are all the kids dying? they havent lived at all!"

"we dont question "why" we just do our job, but nobody dies except it their time, it's their time to die."

"what? their time?" they are barely 10 years old"! xiao stated screaming at the reapers.

" Young man stop screaming please, sometimes kids die to prevent future devastation, stop prolonging us from doing our job please".

"can you tell me how old I will be when I die?"

"sure? give me your hands, laying his hands in xiao palm, ummm, it says here you are married, with your soulmate? how rare, you got 56 plus years left all will be spent with your soulmate".

"oh wow! we would be together for so long.

"and If I were to die in place of the kids, will all of them live?, is there a way for me to be reborn and still live such a long life with him?"

"I dont know much because soulmates are rare, but you do have the ring of longevity on, so it might help you, soulmates are connected through the souls, so maybe we can find a body for you. But I dont know If it will work".

"That's fine, a maybe I can work with" can I call and say bye?"

"hmm I dont know, but time stop because of you so whenever your ready is when time will continue".

"ok, Xiao ran to his car, got his phone, pressed the speed dial button, as he wait to talk to his husband."

"zhan lan was at work as usual, preparing for his day, knowing that he needs to be home early today to celebrate another blissful year with his family. staring at his family picture on his desk, he couldn't help but smile, he didnt know such happiness existed. putting his files away, zhan hear his phone ringing.

grabbing his phone after seeing that it's his beautiful wife, "hey wife"

""ooh angel, I love youu, sniffing, trying to stop the tears, I dont have much time so listen".

"xiao", "baby what's wrong? why are you crying? please tell me whats going on" zhan stated panicking while grabbing his car keys. "Tell me where you are xiao" and I will be there".

"Ooh Angel am sooo sorry please i pray you and boys forgive, please forgive me!


"Angel please tell the boys how much I love them, everyday!!!! "did you know you really are my soulmate? only mines."

"Xiao!" please baby baby please you are scaring me, whatever it is please wait for me"

"oh angel I cant wait time is short but I promise I will find you again! I will come back as soon as posiible!!!!! "

"why should I forgive you xiao?"

"ohh angel, now balling his eyes out, please forgive me!!! I promise you I will come back!! I love you!!!! I heart you soo much. I got to go now. kiss the kids for me, and tell my brothers I will be back! am sorry. I am sooo sorrry!!!"

"Xiao please baby whatever it is please dont leave me, dont leave us, I need you!!!!!

Xiao, hangups the phone before he caved in, his decision while selfless it will save his family from pain and heartache, but 24 other families will suffer even more. sighing out loud, "am sorry zhan".

turning towards the reapers, "am sorry for taking a long time ,am ready now".

"Reaper 1, it's really rare for humans to be this selfless but I promise you I will definitely help you get back to your family as soon as I can".

smiling at him, "I will hold you to that". xiao got into his car, and ran into the dump truck as soon as time resume, picturing his family beautiful face as his last memories before losing consciousness.


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