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It's been couple weeks since the encounter with Xiao, and he hasnt seen, or hear from the young man after professing his love for him. What is it about this young man that got me like this? why did he kiss me? Zhan lan ponders as he walks into work, he had an art meet for his next project.
manager, "brother zhan, Brother Zhan!
Zhan lan, " ahh yes am sorry I was deep in thoughts what did you say?
manager, " oh am sorry than brother zhan but is it true that Ying wei lives in your building? my little sister has a weibo account and that's where she saw it".
Zhan, "oh you know who he is? this Ying wei?"
manager, "whatt??? what?? buttt?? Brother Zhan is it possible you dont know who ying wei is? hes the most sort after model in asian at the moment!"
Zhan, "really?" "I didnt know, I only met him once in passing"
Manager. "oh brother Zhan your so fortunate to know not one but two celebrity of such status".
Zhan, "mhm I really dont know him, but how come your sister knows where he lives?
Manager, "oh that Ying wei posted it offcourse, saying hes staying at his lover place because his other lover broke up with him and left to go abroad".
Zhan, "his lover?? just how many lovers does he have?
manager, laughing out loud "oh brother Zhan you shouldnt take ying wei seriously he calls his close friends that; but I dont think hes ever been involved with anyone, uhmm well until recently".

Zhan feeling like his heart is about to drop? "recently? what did he say this time?"

manager, " all am saying is what my sister told me but apparently, Ying wei was lamenting on his weibo account couple weeks ago, about leaving his love, he just found alone for couple weeks for work".

Zhan, "and?"

Ying wei " well a fan asked him why, he responded to comment saying he dont know if his love likes him yet and hes afraid he wont have the chance to express his love.

zhan stumbling after hearing such words thought to him self, is he referring to me? than why did he leave? did he remember?was he serious? " but if hes so miserable why did he leave without telling him or her then"
manager, " well according to my sister, he had couple photos and fashions shows that he had already committed to, at the moment hes in Milan preparing for his shoot.
Zhan, settling his heart, "sigh well your sister seems to know alot me about this ying wei"
Manager "ahh yes my sister is obessesed with him; but after researching him a little I cant help but think I would like him too, his personality is so kind"

Zhan, "whatt?? manager?? you admitted to liking a man? what's so great about him?

Manger, smiling at Zhan, well research him, you will know. hopefully brother Zhan can introduce us in the future.
zhan, thinking if I ever see him again. remembering a thought" but manager why didnt he contact his love? who's that person anyways? if hes professing his love so easily he must be a playboy".

manager. " see your not wrong, I thought the exact same thing, but at las I was proving wrong because he has never profess his love for anyone. as for the person, he calls him his angel, when asked why is he using the word "angel" to describe such a person, he simply respond, because hes the most beautiful person I ever saw".

Zhan's heart badum badum, pounding hard is he referring to me? am I really ?? taking in a deep breath, " well seems like his love must be a really happy individual than"

Manager, "ah that I dont know, when asked who his love was, ying wei stated he didnt want to say it yet, until he was sure his love was going to be returned, so now his fans are wishing him a happy courting.

Zhan, "ahh well I wish him good luck as well".

"Couple weeks later"

having return from abroad and exhausted beyond anything, ying wei collapse on bed, thinking I wonder where hes at? I just knock his door and hes not home, I been wanting to see him for so long.

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