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" say angel I can't breath", I would love you to keep hugging me but not so tight mhm?"

releasing his tight ness a bit continues to hug his life line, forgetting the food on the stove.

shaking his head at his husband behavior weiying sigh, thinking I have brought this upon myself.

"say angel, wont you finish cooking uh? am hungry; plus I want to take a shower.


"no?, but angel! I feel sticky

"no"! hugging weiying even more tighter, "don't leave me alone weiying, this feels like a dream, and I don't want it to end".

"feeling saddened at lanzhan behavior, knowing that its because of him that his feeling like this, weiying heart broke. "oooh  angel, I am sorry, let's turn the stove off than uh? come with me to shower ?"

lanzhan responded mhmm, frozen in his embrace.

"angel? zhan? tell me whats wrong?"

weiying pull zhan to couch, leaving no type of space in between their body. after a while of embracing weiying pull back staring at his husbands face, there on the side of his forehead shows signs of aging, tracing the little wrinkle, weiying breathe in zhan scent. oooh how I missed this.

"mhmm, angel?"

"dont leave me again, I can't, i dont think I will survive if ".. "shhh, wiping his angel tears away, weiying fervently kissing zhan everywhere he could, "ooh angel am sorry, placing his head in zhans pale hands.

"angel, am sorry, cant you forgive your bunny this one time uh? please? everything I am is yours until the day i died and beyond, whatever you tell me to do from now on I will do it".

"am sorry I made a decision that not only affected you but our sons as well, am so proud of you, and thank you for not giving up on life and living for our boys. I don't regret saving those kids zhan but I do regret leaving you and our sons".

"From now on whatever you want and decide, if you say I can't drive a car I won't!  I promise you and our kids; angel to never make such a drastic decision ever again, I won't survive it either". weiying vowed as tears role down his face, as he continues to stare at his at husband".

"mhmm, no driving? zhan question?"

"none angel if thats your wish",

"en, no decision making by yourself"

"yes, angel weying laughs "

"and every day is everyday is forever?"

"ha! shameless!!! angel!!! offcourse offcourse! my wedding vow still stands zhan, I will always want you"!!!

"even now?"

"laughs, more so now err gege, I have three years to make up for dont I?


"angel, your gonna have to be nice to me ok? this body is a virgin".

"zhan stiffen at the word virgin, staring at weiying hungrily."

weiying swallow spit, thinking fuck! am screwed! fuck! why do you always open your big mouth uh?

Laughing nervously "hey angel, am hungry wont you feed me? "


"hey angel, after eating, can't we just sleep tonight?


"angel! dont you have to prepare before you can devirgin me again?

swallowing, "mhmm".



"whom am I to you?"

"your my life weiying"

"wrong angel, your my soulmate "

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