Chapter IV: The Taunts.

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4E 2, Cyrodiil.

  Illent awakens to the voices in her head. Since taking on the mantel of Sheogorath she's been plagued by them. She calls them the Whispers. They usually talk or laugh amongst themselves or about Illent but rarely ever to her. If they do it's to warn her of enemies or to taunt and discourage her. They've been silent since Lucien's death but now they've resurfaced.

  Illent finds their constant chattering annoying but she's stuck with it now. They're always talking over each other and never wait turns to speak.
"Hush hush she's awake now." One says while the other three talk about who knows what else.
"She's up."
"She's awake."

  Illent shakes her head.
"Please tone it down to just whispers. Please. It gets so hard to think sometimes."
They do as told. Illent at times does want to listen to their conversations but it was too annoying and hard to concentrate. So she deals with the almost muffled whispering.

  She doesn't bother changing back into her armor and just wraps a blanket across her shoulders. She lightly rubs her bump as she leaves the living quarters.
Arquen stands up from a chair in the hallway with an Imperial man. A new recruit yes?
"Listener I trust you slept well? This is Orrien the new recruit." She gestures at the man who takes a step towards Illent eagerly.

'Oh great here we go again.' She thinks and the Whispers giggle.
"Listener! I am just a lowly Murderer, but if there's any way I can serve you, any way at all, I am yours!" He offers out a hand Illent shakes.
"It's nice to meet you Orrien. Please, call me Illent."
He smiles at her.
"Noted I'll keep that in my mind. Now, I must get to training see you!" He heads towards the practice room.

"He's something, isn't he? I like his attitude." Arquen remarks.
"What say, you Listener?"
Illent sighs.
"I'm honestly indifferent. I know that must sound awful to you but I have way bigger things to worry about right now." Illent is blunt but doesn't care.
Arquen fumbles a moment before letting out clear words.
"What problem? Is it something serious?" The Altmer asks.
"Well possibly yes." Illent takes a deep breath no use in hiding it. The whole time the Whispers is screaming in unison.
"Don't tell her! She'll kill it!"
She faces the elf and looks her in the eyes.
"I am pregnant."

  Arquen's eyes widen.
"Are you sure?" She lets out.
"Yes, I am. I have a small bump and no cycle." Illent says and looks away.
"Do you know who the father is?" She asks eyeing her belly questionably.
"I think some tavern hookup. You know is Nords and alcohol." Illent lies hoping Arquen buys it.

"I guess so. You know if you had been carrying a Dark Brother's child I'd have to make you terminate. Be glad you aren't. Now, how far along are you Listener?" Arquen smiles.
"I'm about two months I believe." Illent feeling much more uncomfortable now cups her forming bump.
"Oh, that early. Poor thing I heard pregnancy gets harder the more you go on."
"Don't worry Arquen I'm tough like that."
"Yes, you are. Now that we have this news please be extra careful when traveling to Bravil. Promise me?" Arquen takes her hands.
"Of course I will be." Illent is kind of unsettled by Arquen's movements.
"Good. Please excuse me now. I need to go find another recruit." The elf leaves Illent alone.

"Don't trust her! Don't trust her!" The Whispers warn her at different times and in different pitches.
"Why can't you talk orderly?" Illent asks the voices rubbing her temples.
"And what happened to whispering?"
The voices quieten down. Illent sighs once more and walks down the hall whence she came.

  She watches her feet as she walks down the carpeted hallway and reaches a room that was obviously sealed at one point. She steps inside and kneels at the cramped graves of her former family.
As she sits there one of the Whispers begins to taunt her.
"You killed them. For what reason? Devotion? Fear? Both? How did you feel after you realized the traitor still lived? Only to realize you yourself was a pawn of that traitor. Your Dark family curses you from the Void. They HATE you!"
Illent tries her best to ignore those harsh words and slightly shakes her head. That fails when the other Whispers create a chorus of "I hate you!" They keep yelling it getting louder and louder until at last Illent snaps.

"Shut up!" She screams. The Whispers lower their volume. Some laugh and giggle at her.
"You're weak." One jabs before silencing.

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