Chapter XII: The Departure.

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4E 2, Waterfront District.

Over the past few months, Illent has grown increasingly more wary of life on Nirn. She's also starting to worry about her baby. She doesn't usually listen to the bullying of the Whispers but they've been feeding off of her fear that her child will die.

Sitting under a tree looking out across the sea Illent listens to the banter of Hymir and Ellis who are walking up from behind her.
"So you really faced off against Hircine in the Hunting Grounds?" Ellis asks in an amazed tone.
"Sure did. He put up one Hel of a fight but I came out on top. Now I'm no longer his plaything." Hymir responds in his usual energetic voice.

The two stop talking and join Illent by the tree. Ellis sits down to her right while Hymir stands by her left. The sea breeze blows their hair gently back. The salty air helps with Illent's morning sickness. She's still at six months and is anxiously waiting for the final few months to hurry up.

"I wanted some alone time." Illent flatly responds and leans back further against the tree.
Ellis scoffs.
"Illent, you've watched the sun come up and now it's starting to set. Come inside. You've been here all day."

"I've been thinking." Illent looks at Ellis.
"About what?" The Dunmer asks.
"I need a break. I want to be alone for a while. I'm thinking about going to my island." Illent alludes to the Shivering Isles.
"Oh... Well, are you sure?" Ellis catches on.
"Yes. I need to return there anyway. I'm starting to feel weak." Illent looks back to the sea.
"What island? Where are you going and why can't I come with you?" Hymir understandably butts in.

"Don't worry about it." Illent waves a dismissive hand at her cousin. Receiving a glare in response.
"Illent." Hymir takes a step forward.
"Don't keep secrets from your family. I've been open with you. Be open with me."
"I will when I'm ready. Now, I need to go home." Illent pushes past Hymir and heads towards her shack.

  Hymir looks at Ellis for an explanation.
"Just let her be. Let's go towards the Thieves Guild headquarters. I remember you mentioning your interest in it." She gently grabs his wrist and motions for him to follow her towards the walls that surround the Waterfront.

"But-" He looks towards the shack.
"Hymir, let's go." Ellis pulls him along.

  Inside the shack, Illent sits on her bed staring at the floor with an absent mind. Her eyes are distant and the whispers are muffled. She's focusing her energy on teleporting to her realm of Oblivion.

  Soon enough she evaporates into a shimmery cloud of purple, orange, and gold. She feels the coldness of the Void as she passes through. Then she feels warmth.

  Her body reforms and she opens her eyes. There in front of her are the gates of Crucible, the city she is the duchess of.

  Normally Illent would shift into her much larger more Daedric like form but she doesn't want to put her body through more risk than she already did.

  She takes a deep breath and exhales. She's prepared for the eyes of her subjects to find her. She approaches and the Dark Seducer guards open the doors for her. They give a respectful bow as she passes through. Their strange eyes barely glimpse at her bump.

  The citizens who are out in the night stop as she passes through. Some give her worshipping praise. Others marvel at her very obvious pregnant belly. While others rejoice that an heir is on the way.

  Illent nods and smiles as she passes. She'll hold a celebration after the baby is born she tells herself. She knows how the citizens get when they are excited about something. It's better to have an organized event than a chaotic parade that might involve fire and vandalism.

  Illent walks up a ramp leading to the madness ore blacksmith shop. She stops and listens. She can hear her dear friend Cutter busily hammering away at her forge. She shakes her head. Does this little thing ever sleep?

  She opens the door and steps inside. She walks down a row of stone steps and stands a few feet away from the gangly Bosmer.

  Illent clears her throat and smiles as Cutter's face lights up.
"Oh, my dear friend. You've returned to grace us with your presence!" Cutter quickly approaches with her hands out. The small elf woman is pulled into an embrace by the tall Nord woman.
"What's this?" Cutter asks with hands resting on Illent's bump.
"You have a child?" She looks up at Illent.

"Yes, I do. I'm six months." She smiles down at Cutter who is trying her best not to cry from joy.
Cutter sniffles. She doesn't want to ruin her heavy pounds of makeup.
"Oh don't cry Cutter. You'll ruin your makeup.

"I'm sorry my lady. I just don't know what to say. This is such a blessing! The Isles has an heir!" She jumps up from excitement.

  Illent smiles warmly. She knew the pregnancy would be taken differently here than back on Nirn. The people of the Isles are happy as opposed to shock. It does wonders for Illent's mood.

"Do you wish to stay for tea or anything?" Cutter asks finally withdrawing from her friend.
"That sounds lovely my dear."

  After staying for tea Illent leaves even later in the night. She finally makes her way towards New Sheoth palace and immediately as she's walking through the gardens spots Haskill who is genuinely baffled by what he sees.

"My Lady Sheogorath you're with child. This is unexpected. I can only imagine now how the populace will react." The chamberlain joins the woman by her side as she walks inside the palace and into the throne room.

"I'll hold a celebration or something for the people. It would be better than them doing who knows what."

"Good point. Though, we'll have to boost the guard. The people of Dementia and Mania rarely get along in the same space." Haskill takes his side by the throne as Illent sits down. She sighs and looks ahead of her. Her body is feeling better but it could be better.

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