Chapter XV: Foolish.

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4E 2, Cheydinhal.

  Two weeks later Illent returns to Cheydinhal. She walks the street at night towards the abandoned house. Garnet has been swaddled in his tan blanket and tucked into an olive green baby sling and is napping against her chest. The entire time she's walking she receives insults from the whispers.

"You're a stupid cunt! Arquen will kill your baby!"

"Lucien would not allow you to show up with the child. You're putting him in danger you twit!"

"Another death at the hands of the Brotherhood. They have no qualms about killing babies!"

Illent ignores them and focuses on her son as she nears the abandoned house. Since it's sundown not many people are out on the street. A few guards are walking around but their focus is thankfully not on the house.

Illent manages to climb down the well and into the sanctuary. A few of the new members are walking around or conversing. Orrien the Imperial archer she talked to months back is sitting on a chair fixing his bowstring.

  Arquen is standing near the entrance of the Sanctuary with a lit torch. She's speaking to a short Breton woman with bobbed dark hair with equally dark makeup caked around her eyes.

  As Illent approaches, the Breton shrinks back with clear fear and nervousness on her face and in her body language. Arquen is the exact opposite and warmly welcomes Illent back.
"Oh, it is so good to see you again Listener. Teelin was getting more irritating by the day. I also see you have a little dark sibling with you." She looks at the sleeping baby.

"His name is Garnet," Illent says as she stares down the Breton. The poor girl takes a hint and leaves.
"That is a lovely name." Arquen doesn't break away from watching the infant. She tilts her head and looks at his hair. Illent watches with a mix of concern and curiosity.
"Is something wrong?" She asks the Altmer.

"Nothing. Just absorbed in his cuteness. What color are his eyes?" Arquen looks at the mother.
Without thinking Illent responds.
"They're brown."
She flinches when the Whispers begin shrieking and cursing at her.

"We warned you! You dolt! You just gave away information that can be harmful!" The voices scream in unison.

  Arquen's face falters for a moment. She's a very fake individual and a second is all it took for her mask to fall before it corrected itself once again.
Illent realizes the mistake she just made.

"His eyes sound lovely. Come, it's almost dinner time. The other members are excited to meet you." Arquen gives a rehearsed smile and waves at Illent to follow. They pass a sconce and Arquen rests her torch on it.

  In the dining area, the Breton from before is helping a Khajiit put down pewter plates and goblets. Orrien finally finished with his bowstring is getting ready to lay down a basket of bread and a skillet full of some sort of meat.

  After all, is arranged the members sit down and eat. The whole time the recruits speak to one another about contracts and their favorite bodily places to stab. Arquen from time to time advises them.

  Illent sits quietly and eats. She looks at her son and is relieved he's such a silent infant. She also notices Arquen staring as well. Their eyes meet and she looks away. Illent feeling uncomfortable smoothes out her black velvet gown and finishes her food.

  Near the closing ends of dinner, a few of the recruits begin to open up and speak to their new Listener. They ask her questions. A lot of questions. Illent answers the best she can. All goes well until they begin asking about the previous Cheydinhal Sanctuary members and about Lucien.

  Illent abruptly leaves the room and finds solace in Ocheeva's old room. She leans her back against the large closed door and exhales looking at the ground. Her pale green eyes hold back tears.

  Garnet stirs and opens his eyes. They shift around in color before settling for brown. He squeaks and wriggles some more. His mother smiles and walks over to a table. She rests him on it and rubs his belly.

This little one is the light in the darkness. After all that she's been through this baby is all that matters now. Garnet is the flower that blossomed from an unlikely union between two people. She'll protect him with her life.

  The door opening behind Illent pulls her away from her son. She scoops Garnet up in her arms and holds him close to her chest.

  In steps Arquen. Her eyes are focused on Garnet. She closes the door and fully turns to face Illent.
"Listener, I'm beginning to think that Nord you found at a pub was an Imperial you served under." She cocks her head with the accusation.
"Lachance is the father!" Her voice raises as she steps towards the mother and son.

"Yes, he is. What are you going to do? No rules or anything is stating I couldn't be with him. The reek you spew is something you made up to control the Sanctuary you were a part of. You will not do the same here elf." Illent sternly states.

  Arquen snarls and does the unthinkable. She lunges at Illent attempting to grab Garnet. The infant starts wailing. Illent's eyes go wide as she sees the elf's hands come close to touching her son.

  Illent feels rage rise to the surface and shoves Arquen back violently. She settles Garnet on the table and grabs Arquen by the throat and lifts her off the ground.

  The Altmer chokes and sputters as Illent slams her against the wall and lifts her higher. The hood of her robe falls revealing her stringy golden hair.
"Arquen. Touch my baby one more time and I'll rip your ass out of your throat." She growls at the elf.
"Got it?" Illent slams her into the wall for good measure.

"Crystal." Arquen manages to cough out.
Illent drops her and the elf woman slumps against the floor glaring at the taller woman.

  The door opens and the new Khajiit assassin pokes his head in with concern.
"Listener? Speaker Arquen? We heard the commotion. Is all well?" He asks knowing it is not well.

  Illent doesn't speak she grabs her baby and runs away. She leaves the sanctuary and leaves Cheydinhal. She stops by the stables and is about to mount Benji until she looks at the fort resting on the hill.

  She looks at her son. His little chubby face is soaked with tears but at least he's no longer crying. She gently rocks him and mounts her horse. She steers the horse towards Fort Farragut. There's someone she needs to visit.

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