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"Attention please!" The typical kling sound was heard, which drew everyones attention onto a table not far away from Jisoo's.

"To my dear brother Kim Hyung-joon. You were always a great listener when I told you about my problems and always a good friend when i needed one. Happy 60th birthday, brother. Cheers!" He happily said as he downed a whole glass of champagne.

"Cheers!" Others raised their glass and downed the champagne too.

Now Hyung-joon himself stood up and wanted to say something.

"Thank you brother, for your words and thank you all for coming to my party." He laughed.

"But for now I'd like to announce something friend Mr. Kim Jong-Il there." He pointed towards Jisoo's table. She looked to her right and found her father smiling.

"Agreed on a marriage between his daughter and my son!" Jisoo's eyes went wide. Suddenly cheers and applause was heard. It soon stopped as a young looking guy abruptly stood up and slapped his hand on the table.
Jisoo wasn't able to identify the person because of the tears she tried to hold in.

"What the hell father?!" The guy angrily exclaimed.
"Taehyung calm down! Don't embarrass me in front of so much people." Hyung joon tried to hold his temper, but failed miserably.

They just shouted at each other until Mr.Kim decided to drag his son to a private place and talk things out.

Jisoo couldn't care less about what happened. She was starring at her father the whole time. She felt betrayed and hurt. She didn't want to marry some guy she doesn't know. Or just marry because out of money or business. 

"Why..father?" She stumbled out. Holding back the tears that were about to escape.

"It's for the best." He said not even looking at her.

Yeah right.
For the best and not for my best.

Tears started to stream down her face. She didn't want someone to see her like this so she just ran away. She ran as fast as she could. As far as these stupid heels could carry her.

She stopped under a huge tree and was breathing hard. She wanted to throw herself in the river that time. Why was life so cruel to her? She cried. She cried her heart out...again.

"Hey" she heard a voice calling her out.

"Who- who are you?" Jisoo sniffed, still having a hard time to see something in the darkness.

"You don't need to know my name. All you have to know is that I'm never gonna marry someone like you." He said not even bothering to look at her.

Before she can even recongnize his face or his oddly familiar voice...He walked away leaving a confused and heartbroken Jisoo behind.

'Well what a jerk'

She released a shaky breath in order to calm herself down.
She laid down on her back, her fingers fiddling with the fresh cuttend grass. Looking at the night sky reminded her of her mother.

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