Poem: X

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The world is a slippery ball
In the palm of my hand
By this ball I rise and fall
Whether it turns to mud or sand

Billionaires tell me to follow my vibe
With their sh**y EDM tune
So I hold my breath for the deep dive
And jump under the bright full moon

And yet they may be half right
Though my available tools are low quality and sparse
Self-confidence indeed should guide our sight
Whether we walk or fall on our arse

The spring is approaching but the road's still slick
With winter clouds last attempt at snow
My risk analysis diminishes not a lick
As nature is both friend and foe

I live for my family though at times I'm naive and self-indulgent
My bumbling and obsessed steps mimicking forward motion
The cold of morning has my outerwear bulgin'
In the fresh air I'm wishing wisdom filled my ocean

To be is to move
To move is to first think
While learning ought to be #1 groove
So much of life is trying not to stink

The odour I'm emitting, either pleasant and fresh
Or nose-holdingly repulsive
If only with nature not humans I mesh
I'll have to learn to be evasive

When I figure out life, I'll let you know
I'll flash it around the physical and digital realms
Make a buck, make a cult, maybe both are a go
You'll be in good hands with me at the helm

If I fail to crack the nut, the mystery, the code
Then shed a tear with me and let's both move on
With a few amusing and annoying partners on the road
This trip will be anything but a yawn

~ Gunnar Våken

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