Poem: Why We Even Bother

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Locked away in our little
Middle class lives
Distracted by bills
And our mobile devices

Destroyers destroy
Bad guys enrich
Depleting our stocks
Pretending nothing's amiss

Social mobility is limited
Good jobs hard to come by
Some lucky few get a break or two
The rest of us are on standby

The system may seem liquid and free
Rewarding diligence and wise choices
Whether you're busking or making videos online
There are few paying attention to your voices

Try a million things and see what sticks
This advice drains your time and energy
I have few suggestions but to get out my wrench
And face off against the system's entropy

Sometimes I want to give up
But then I think, " Then do what?"
Cycles of poverty and the road to complete loss?
Or do what I can for system challenge
Get moving from inconsequential to being boss

Why even bother when we see the bad guys always win?
Because to give up is to give in
Jumping into their cesspools to swim
Resist to your dying breath
Never let your lamp go dim

~ Gunnar Våken

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