Chapter 8: Returning Home

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We run all the way back home in one and a half days. We are allowed in by the guards and head to the Speakers palace. We go up the stairs and a servant opens the door for us. My father asks him "Where is the Speaker?"
"In the dining hall having a feast with the generals."
"I need to see him."
"What you need to tell him you can tell me. You're a messenger. I can bring the letter back to him."
They argue back and forth about it. I look around and I don't see any guards or servants nearby other than this one. When the servant isn't watching I slip around him and head inside. I start running around and hiding when I see a guard or servant. I have no idea how to get to the dining hall. This place is huge. And there's so much gold and silver. Eventually I get near the dining hall because I can hear Elves talking over each other and laughing. I also see servants rushing all over the place with food and empty trays. Some of them carry wine. I sneak around and peak into the dining hall. It's huge, decorated by flowers and fancy table sets. All the plates, bowls, glasses, and silverware have fancy designs on them with white,  gold, and silver. I'm surprised when a voice asks "What are you doing here?"
I turn to look and there's an Elf child around my age, maybe a little older standing there. I tell him "My father wanted to talk to the Speaker about something important."
"What would that be?"
"A Human town nearby was taken over by theifs. We were supposed to bring a letter to there leader. The leader was killed. The town needs help."
An older elf boy walks over in long golden robes. He asks "What is a common Elf child doing here?"
The other Elf child tells him "She's my friend."
The robed Elf starts laughing. He says "I can't believe you're 'friends' with a common Elf."
I glare at him. I would say something but he's the Speakers firstborn. No one knows what his secondborn looks like. The older son is a big jerk. The Elf child says "I can talk to the Speaker for you."
Before I can say anything he rushes into the dining hall. I watch in surprise as the Speaker gets up and walks to the doors where I'm at with the Elf boy. He comes over and asks me "Did your father want to speak with me?"
I just nod my head. He tells me "I am busy right now. I'm surprised you didn't get caught. Don't try doing this again. What is it?"
I tell him about the Human town. He turns to one of the servants and says "Send some scouts to investigate. See how bad it is."
I look at him in shock. That's not going to help them! I ask him "Why won't you help them? They need help!"
The Speaker angrily turns towards me and says "They are Humans. There leadership changes all the time. Do not question me. You are lucky I am letting you go. If I catch you inside the palace again there will be consequences."
He enters back into the dining hall with a calm expression. The robe Elf smiles and says "Serves you right."
The other Elf boy says "I wish we could help but we can't. I'm sorry he won't help."
I tell him "It's ok. At least you tried."
I head back the direction I came from and eventually get to the palace entrance. I walk over to my father and the servant. He's handing over the message. We're they arguing this long? I head down the steps with him. When we are away from the palace he asks "so what did the Speaker say?"
I look at him surprised and ask "How did you know?"
He smiles and says "I saw you sneak into the palace. After arguing with the servant for a while I started asking him questions about the palace. He kept talking for a while until he had to go. I saw you come back so I gave him the message."
"He said he's sending scouts to check on the town. See if he should intervene."
He sighs and says"He's right. They are Humans. As our leader he has to put our people before other races. Human leadership does constantly change. I just wish it didn't involve killing each other."
We head back home in silence. When we get home my mother is gone. She must've been needed to deliver a message somewhere else while we were gone. 

*Picture above is the Silvanesti Speaker*

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