Chapter 5

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Zayn's POV

         "Stop!" I yelled. They just kept trying to break through the closet door. I was holding my sisters close to me, doing all I could to protect them.

          "If you open this door, things will be allot easier on your family!" The men yelled through the door. I just wanted these men to leave. The pounding on the door stopped, but then heard a gun shot and my dad cry out.

          "Safaa, stay in here with the girls." I told the oldest of my younger siblings. She nodded and I opened the door, after kissing them on the cheek. The men were no longer in the room so I crawled out of the closet and went to where I heard noises.

          I wasn't expecting what I saw. I saw my dad laying on the living room floor in a pool of blood and my mother trying to get away from the men. I stayed quite as the men in all black tore her night clothes off and begin to do something to her. I didn't know what it was but they made her scream and cry. I looked over at my father's unmoving body and let a tear run down my face. I couldn't watch the men hurt my mum anymore, I walked into the room but my mum caught my eyes. She shook her head and sobbed the word leave. I turned around running back to the closet my sisters where in. I closed the door, locking it from the inside then heard another gun shot go off...

          "MUM!" I woke up yelling. Sweat was dripping down my whole body. I still felt like that 14 year old innocent boy that didn't know what was happening to his mum. I was shaking all over. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen for some water. The images of the worst day of my life were still playing in the back of my mind. Everything changed for me that day. Nothing was ever the same.

          After I drank the water I saw the time on the microwave, 3:00 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep if I tried. I went to my bathroom and pulled out one of my best friends. I looked at the beautiful metal and pressed it to my arm. I watched the blood roll down my arm as I made more and more cuts. With each cut I forgot about the dream. I forgot what made me the messed up creature I am today.

          I started to feel dizzy from the blood loss so I stopped. I wrapped my arm and went into the front room and stared at the pictures I kept on the wall. Tears made their way down my face as an ache in my chest made its way to my throat. I just wanted my family back. I wanted my life back. Now it seems to be controlled by that day. Everything I do revolves around it, but I feel if I stop my family will hate me. They probably do because I couldn't save them.

          I just sat there in my living room, the room where my father and mother were killed...

Niall's POV

           "I would just like to say thank you to all our wonderful teachers that taught us and pushed to be our best." Liam spoke before me. I couldn't stop smiling because I could accomplish this one thing in my life before... I shook my head. Not today, I don't need to think of that today. I looked out to the audience and my graduating class and felt so proud I made it. "Congratulations you guys we all deserve this day, now go make all your dreams come true and enjoy the real world. Thank you!" Liam finished and everyone was cheering. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug.

          "Good job, sexy." I told him and he laughed, letting me go. I walked up to the microphone and everyone was quiet. I pulled my speech out and took a deep breath. Everyone in my class knew me. Whether they knew me as a nerd, slut or class clown, they knew me. But I was about to tell them everything they didn't know.

          "Hi, I'm Niall Horan and I have cancer." Everyone either gasped or became even more quiet. "I was diagnosed with it on Sunday, but I've had it for a long time before, I just didn't know. I would come to school with horrible migraines or feel like being sick, but something always made me feel better. That was you guys. You all would laugh at a joke I said or just smiled at me like I wasn't the sick person I felt I was. You all had that power to change what one day for me was like, imagine the power you have to change the world. With me you weren't even trying to change the way I was feeling. Think if you're actually trying to change the world.

          After today we won't be together anymore. I won't see you guys ever again. But don't look back at today thinking you miss something or you wish you could change who you were throughout school. Look back and take the laughs and good memories with you. I know I will aways remember you guys. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Now go out those doors toady and change the world. After you party hard of course. We did it guys! Congratulations my fellow potatos!" I said keeping my tears in. Everyone was laughing through their tears as they stood up and clapped for me. My mum and dad were full on crying along with my brother, who flew in from Ireland. I walked over and shook the principals hand and received my diploma. I looked over at Liam who was crying and smiling at me. I went to hug him and sat down holding his hand tight in mine.

          "I want to try, Niall." He whispered in my ear, as the principal spoke his last words before we could throw our hats and be out. I didn't know what Liam ment by that. I looked at him confused. "I want to try being more than friends. Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I stopped breathing and my eyes went wide. He doesn't mean that. I'll be dead soon and he'll be left knowing I didn't break up with him, but that I died. That pain is worse than anything. Of course, I don't know how long we would last as a couple. May as well take a chance, right? I was so lost in thoughts that when everyone stood up yelling, I didn't notice. I looked at Liam and saw his sad eyes looking down at his hands.

          I grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his. He cupped my cheek and smiled into the kiss.

           "You're crazy." I told him kissing him again. But deep in the back of my mind, I knew his lips weren't the ones I wanted to kiss.

A/N: I'm liking writing this and some of you are reading it, so I'm going to continue to write this and finish it. Please share the story with your friends! Vote/comment! Tell me how you feel about Niam!!! I have a plan for that and yall are gonna hate me!!! Haha!

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