Chapter One: Hopeless Wish

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Chaeyoung's POV

I sit at a small table by the widow of the cafe, looking out, and watching two girls in school uniforms who were holding hands and giggling. I felt like I was doing the same thing I did back then. Just watching while others were having a good time, watching my friends become smitten with each other, watching their love blossom and grow, always just watching.

I should've taken a chance back then..


I smile as I heard a voice in front of me.

"Hey unnie." I say to Sana unnie as she sits in the chair across from me.

"How've you been?" She asks after the waiter takes our orders.

"The same. How about you?" She gives a sympathetic smile, knowing what I mean by the answer I gave her.

"I've been good, works going really well at the moment." She keeps her answer short as the waiter arrives at the table with our coffees.

"How's Tzuyu doing?" I take a sip of the hot coffee before looking back at her.

"She's good, she actually just got her first promotion.." She looks proud but also hesitant to say anything more. Like it will hurt me if I hear anything about their relationship.

"Unnie, it's okay. I want to hear about your life, and Tzuyu is a huge part of it. So tell me, squirrel." I joke at her.

She shakes her head with a small smile on her face.

"Well with her promotion, her pay is now much more than it was. And since business at the bakery has been steadily increasing, it means we should be able to buy a house within a few months." Her smile is wide as she finishes speaking.

I smile too. I'm genuinely happy for her. She has always been like an older sister to me, ever since I was in the 4th grade and she was in the 5th. She's always been there for me.

"I'm really happy for you." I say sincerely.

Silence comes over us as we just sit, drinking our coffee. We both know where the conversation is going next.

I put my empty cup on the table and look at up at her. She looks up at me as well.

"How is she?" I ask.

She lets out a small sigh and sits her cup down.

"She's certainly had better times. Lately she's been talking about quitting, saying that she's just not motivated anymore. And still wondering why you won't call her." She answers, looking right at me.

I look down at the table.

It's been 5 years since high school and she still thinks about me.

God, you've fucked up your life so bad Chaeyoung.

I look up again to be met with an intense stare.

"She wants to quit?" I ask quietly, avoiding the part about me not calling her.

Sana unnie gives me a knowing look. She knows I won't say anything regarding that.

"Yeah, she does." She says, looking increasingly upset as the conversation goes on.

"But this was her dream. It was all she ever talked about, what she worked so hard for." I say, wanting to know why she would ever give up on the only thing she ever wanted.

Sana unnie just looks at me, like she's trying to tell me something without using words.

"It was a part of her dream. But not the biggest part." She says quietly, causing me to become confused.

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