Chapter Seven: Problems

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Chaeyoung's POV

I'm cooking breakfast in the kitchen, waiting for Yoohyeon to wake up.

After she settled down last night, I made her eat something and gave her some pajamas so she could go up to the spare bedroom to rest, which I guess is her room now.

I thought it would be best if we didn't go to school today so I could take her to get her stuff from her friends house while the parents are at work, and she wouldn't have to worry about being caught.

I take a glance at the clock on the wall that reads eight twenty two.

I know Sana unnie will be calling me by lunch time since she won't see me there.

I'll talk to Yoohyeon later about what I can say to Sana unnie.

"Good morning!" Yoohyeon greets cheerily as she walks into the kitchen.

It looks like she's feeling a lot better, I'm really happy I could be helpful to her like Sana unnie has always been to me. Everyone needs someone like that in their life.

It's also nice not having to feel alone at home.

"Good morning, you're feeling better I see." I say playfully, finishing up the scrambled eggs I was cooking.

"Thanks to you, that was the first time I slept in a bed in a month, it was magical." She makes an imaginary rainbow with her hands.

I laugh at her silly behavior and sit a plate of food in front of her.

"Well, good. Now eat up, we have a mission to accomplish."

Later that day..

It's about three thirty in the afternoon, we successfully got Yoohyeon's things from her friends house and got her all settled in to her bedroom. We've spent the day watching movies and getting to know each other more.

I talked to her about Sana unnie and she said as long as I trust her, I can tell her as much as I want to, which I'm extremely grateful for.

I've been dodging Sana unnie's calls since lunch time passed at the school, it seems like she tries to call after every class. I feel bad for not answering but I'm trying to find the right way to explain everything to her.

My mind has been jumbled all day, going from thinking about helping Yoohyeon get settled, to how to talk to Sana unnie, to thinking about the look Mina gave me yesterday.

Ive been trying to keep my mind occupied with helping Yoohyeon get settled but it keeps creeping it's way in.

I want to talk to Mina so bad but Sana unnie told me to wait.

I'm just so lost on what to do..

"Chaeng, your phone." Yoohyeon hands me my phone that I didn't even know had rung.

Must've been thinking too hard.

I look at my phone and see a text from Sana unnie, wondering where I am, and if I'm okay.

"You should call her, she's probably worried." She tries to persuade me.

With getting to know each other more today, I've told her a bit about my past, that I lived with my grandmother in this house and that she passed away, leaving me everything. I told her about mine and Sana unnie's relationship, how's she's pretty much my big sister, I even told her about my situation with Mina, and not knowing how to go about handing it.

She told me about the girl she's in love with, her name is Siyeon, she goes to an arts high school like ours in the next town over. She also told me she has an aunt who lives in Seoul but she doesn't know where, apparently they were very close when Yoohyeon was a kid, but her father had cut ties with with his younger sister when Yoohyeon was twelve. She didn't see or hear from her aunt after that, the last she heard was that her aunt was living in Seoul, working as a producer.

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