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A freezing air bit into Angel's skin as he hunched over in the alleyway, coughing up blood, puking from the drink, shaking in fear. Shirt ripped, jeans shredded, much of Angel's flesh was exposed. He bled from where the demon had dug his claws in, in a greedy attempt to grab Angel's body. Suddenly, a screech and Angel was being chased, a human-like demon with red skin, savage teeth and saliva dripping from his mouth, black hair mangled from the drink and the dance and the affair in the party. Angel's whole being was flooded with fear, he ran into a dark alleyway opposite, away from the demon he didn't even remember. His drunken legs gave in, and he fell into the ground, down back into the club. Surrounded by demons and creatures of all shapes and sizes, his eyes were too teared up to see. Demons danced lustfully around him and whispered sweet little nothings in his ear, alcohol and drugs dropped like flies around him making the floor sticky, the air became thick with sweat and music and every sound, sight and smell blurred into one hazy vision. He could feel skin against his own, lips kissing down his back as he was being caressed by three demons at once, alcohol pouring on him and he couldn't do a thing because he was weak. He got up, stumbling, desperate, time shifting and speeding up, he tried to run away but would constantly sink back through the ground, land in the club and be stroked and smothered and trodden on. It was overwhelming and sick all in one. He was trapped. Run, sink, lie, repeat. He couldn't escape. He couldn't breathe. He lay there, weak, sensations all in one, horrid feelings with horrid people, but fell through the ground, only this time did not land. He kept falling, deep into black, wondering... Is this what love feels like?

Angel's eyes shot open and he sat up in his bed, panting, sweating, hot tears streaming uncontrollably down his cheeks. His heart beat was unnaturally quick, his eyes darted across the room, remembering where he was and gripping the bedsheets tightly. He cried quietly, defeated. 'Shit, another nightmare...' Angel thought. His work always came back, those wild nights where he was so drunk he couldn't defend himself. He was vunerable, and the thing is he used to live for that. He loved being social and getting so many men, but now it haunted him like a sick ghost. He wish he didn't need that, wanted a purer relationship in the long term, but right now all he wanted was to sleep peacefully.

Angel lay back down, tears still streaming though not as heavily, he seemed to calm down. "Alright, deep breaths Angel... Its okay, its okay..." He closed his eyes, trying to reassure himself. He'd gotten used to nights like this, nightmares were frequent for him, so he knew what to do. Still, every night this happened, he never got any sleep.


Angel woke once again, his internal body clock waking him early, and immediately felt like collapsing after about 2 hours of sleep. "Ah, shit" he muttered as he hauled himself up and got dressed, cleaned his teeth and sorted himself out. Looking in the mirror, the bags under his eyes were wild! He sighed, not caring, and headed downstairs, muttering "I'm gorgeous either way, right?!"

Arriving downstairs, he was as usual the last one there. Everyone else was quietly chatting around the large centre table in the lounge, except Alastor, who quietly read beside Niffty. Angel walked to the coffee machine and started to make himself one, when all of a sudden-

"Angelllll!! Good morning! How did you sleep??" Charlie laughed, everyone else went silent.

"Yeah, er... Good thanks!!" Angel could tell his voice was dry. He really needed this coffee, and took a large gulp as soon as it was ready. He turned around, only to find everyone looking curiously at him. "What? I'm so gorgeous you can't help yourselves!" He tried laughing, though it was just awkward, and quickly sat down beside Husk, opposite Alastor.

"Mhmmmm, as if we believe that Angel! You have the largest bags under your eyes right now! Rough night?" Charlie asked, concern in her voice. Husk looked right at Angel, for once drinking water, not alcohol. "We're not fucking stupid. I know tired eyes when i see 'em." Angel sighed and rubbed his head gently, suddenly realising he had a headache. "It's nothing, guys. I swear, just need a good ol' coffee! Now, what's happening today, Charlie? What's the plan?" Charlie and the others exchanged confused glances, but quickly shrugged them off as Charlie smiled again and went into elaborate detail about what would happen today.

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