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~•°Husk's POV°•~ //well third person

It was a normal day. Husk groggily slumped downstairs to the bar early morning, wanting some Good cheap booze to help him through. He reached the bar, walking behind it to where the drinks would be made, but soon discovered someone had been the previous night.

"What the fuck is this...?" He muttered. On the side was some vodka, along with cranberries or something, lime and some other stuff. "Someone... Has been here..." He growled, starting to clean up after whoever the mysterious drinker was.

"They didn't even clean up after drinking MY shit, fucking traitor. But who was it...? No one drinks here, surely... I can only think of one demon, that damn spider..." Husk muttered, but at that moment sudden footsteps in the room made him jump slightly and turn sharply to see who had walked in.

"Husker, my good friend! Good morning!" Alastor grinned his signature grin.

'Fucking hell, why him?!' Husk thought.

"Don't 'Husker' me, you bastard! What do you want now?!" He tried to sound angry, though his voice was dry and shallow. Husk continued cleaning up, whilst Alastor frowned slightly and walked behind the bar, wrapping his arm around Husk's shoulder.

"I heard noise in the bar and suspected it might be you, my good friend! Here... Let me help, you don't have to clean by yourself." Alastor pushed Husk away slightly and finished cleaning what little was left, and for a split second his eyes saddened. Alastor looked guilty, almost. Now, Husk wasn't particularly close with Alastor, but... They were familiar with each other. He knew Alastor fairly well, and vice versa. Husk knew Alastor wasn't his usual self, something didn't click. He hated to admit it to himself, but he was kind of worried. 'The fuck is up with him...?'

Husk took a deep breath, grabbing out some cheap booze from the mini fridge under the bar. He didn't want to jump right in, so he started with the question that angered him most.

"well thanks, I guess. What fucker came drinking here anyway? Only I drink here. Me, and... That kinky gay arachnid... Do you know who's been drinking my shit, Alastor?" Husk slumped on the side and chugged his beer, not thinking too much about the question. As he put down the drink and looked at Alastor, his smile wasn't as big. Silence. Husk scoffed, getting annoyed.

"Well? Its a yes or no question. What are you hiding, you son of a bitch?!" Husk grew nervous as Alastor's smile slowly began to shrivel. It wasn't him. After a good 30 seconds, Alastor spoke in a lower tone.

"Husker, it was Angel." Husk sighed.

"I knew it. But why do you seem so... Off? I mean... It's none of my business, and you're the almighty radio demon so it's probably nothing, but..." Husk trailed off. Alastor thought for a minute, putting a finger on his chin whilst thinking. "Are we good colleagues, Husk?"

The question seemed random and sudden. Husk blinked, dumbfounded, before scoffing and sipping more booze. "Yeah, whatever. I guess I have known you the longest." This was weird. Why was Alastor asking that?

"Husker..." Alastor looked straight into Husk's eyes, smiling so wide it filled his face. He was terrifying. Husk couldn't move, he was trapped under Alastor's grin.

"W-what, damnit?!" Husk blurted weakly. Alastor only grinned more.

"You're lucky I'm about to tell you this. If it gets out, I shall make sure you never see the light of day again. You understand, Husker?"

Husk's eyes widened. What was he about to confess? And why to him? Husk slowly nodded, growling quietly "I.. Okay."

Alastor chuckled and wrapped his arm around Husker's shoulders, his whole demeanour changing in a second. He laughed, though it was stifled. "There's a good fellow! Now..." Alastor sighed ever so quietly, and for once Husk didn't mind having his personal space invaded by Alastor. Husk actually ever so gently patted Alastor's shoulder, but it was awkward, at least for him. Alastor didn't confess to anything, so Husk must've been.. Different.

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