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~* Charlie POV*~

The group sat nervously in the lounge (they had moved from the eating area), well, the girls. Charlie and Vaggie sat together on a sofa, holding hands gently, just watching the door, waiting for Alastor and Angel to return. Niffty was cleaning around, as the dust was 'so messy she might die all over again'. It was quite quiet, save for the occasional comment from the pink-haired cyclops, until the flickering of the lights caught the three's attention. The small radio which lay in the corner as well also briefly turned on, only playing static sounds and some songs backwards, before switching off a second later. It continued to turn on and off in a irregular manner, and the tree girls just stared in horror.

"V-Vaggie... what's up with the lights and the radio...? Kinda creepy..." Charlie started. Niffty jumped down from her stool as she finished dusting the lights, turning to the pair, also looking as is she'd seen a ghost. Vaggie sighed, about to give some bullshit explanation, until the lounge doors suddenly flung open, making Charlie and Niffty jump just slightly.

Charlie stood up, eager to see that Angel was okay, but was somewhat disappointed and surprised to see Husk had once again returned downstairs. His eyes were barely open, and the poor guy was panting slightly as if he'd dashed in a hurry- he clearly needed sleep.

"Husk, we don't know where Angel or Alastor are, we don't know what's going on with the lights either" Charlie started, but Husk just shook his head slowly.

"Alastor's pissed off, that's what the fucks going on. I dunno what happened to Angel but it can't be good, he's gone on a rampage. Look, out the window!" He pointed a sharp claw to the large window behind the sofas, and the group followed it with their eyes. Charlie walked over to it, eyes wide at she looked upon the reddening sky and static cloud that moved into the city quickly. He really was pissed. Charlie felt a sickness set in her gut- she knew blood would be shed amongst her people. Many demons had some sort of barrier when it came to killing, though it was rare- they'd kill to eat, or only kill a couple before they got bored. Alastor however had no barrier. When he killed, he killed. Charlie knew it was pointless trying to stop him, she sighed, this mixed with yesterday would do no good favours towards the hotel's reputation (not that it was more important than Angel- Charlie did care for everyone in the hotel dearly, even Alastor.)

Vaggie, on the other hand, was keen to try and talk some sense into the other.

"Shit! Angel spoke him out of his hulk mode yesterday, we have to try and stop him! He's clearly got some.. anger issues... ugh, men.." she started, when Husk snorted and glanced to her. Vaggie turned a sharp eye to him.

"You're one to talk about anger issues."

Vaggie turned around, glaring at Husk. "The fuck did you say to me, puss in boots?"

Charlie sighed, not bothered enough to deal with petty arguing. As the pair descended into an argument about what to do, Niffty chimed in eagerly.

"Guys guys come on now, this is silly! We all know we can't stop Alastor now, come on! Let's not argue, please!"

"She's right, arguing won't help guys. Vaggie, I know you just wanna help, but... there's no stopping him now. We just... have to wait. I know it's bad, but we still got each other. We can hang tight here, he might kill us if we try stopping him." Charlie walked to her partner and Vaggie sighed, looking at the floor, hands in shaking fists.

"It just pisses me off how he and Angel don't give a shit what they do... I'm just trying to protect the hotel Char..."

Charlie places a gentle hand on Vaggie's shoulder, smiling weakly. "I know, but it'll be okay! You'll see!"

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