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Alastor's eyes looked sternly, and directly into Angels. Angel froze, his mind gone completely blank for a few stressful moments, trying to thing of anything to say. "I... I... W-what are you doing here? I thought everyone went out for lunch!" Angel stuttered, nervous because it was just him and this unknown entity. Alastor had such a strong presence, it was no wonder he was one of hells most powerful demons. It made Angel nervous, which wasn't like him at all.

"I thought the same thing. I decided to stay and show myself around the hotel, but I suppose you can show me? Charlie was busy this morning with work, rather making herself busy." It seemed more like a demand rather than a request to show him around. Angel nodded, steadying his breathing. "Yeah sure, I'll show you round. Let me get something to eat first. Want anything?" Angel felt a bit more relaxed now, standing in front of the radio demon. He spoke louder and with more confidence. "What do you have, if you don't mind me asking?" Alastor put his book down and stood up, and damn he was tall. Angel looked up at him, suddenly feeling small and vulnerable. "What do you like? I think we have loads of healthy shit, you know, because Charlie is trying to promote a good lifestyle." Alastor shook his head.

"Oh no no no, that won't do! My favourite recipe is my mother's jambalaya, but no one can make it as well as she could." Alastor smiled to himself, though it wasn't the toothy smile he usually had on his face. More of a nostalgic smile, more genuine and less threatening. It made Angel's heart ache for some reason. What the hell? He looked down, clearing his throat. "Yeah... Sorry, I can't cook well. Plus, I don't even know what that is. When I was alive, I mainly ate fast food. And sweet things. And I did drugs. And I drank, too. Hell, I had a great life!" Angel laughed, his past life and bad habits flashing before his eyes. Of course he was aware all he did was deemed bad, but he didn't care too much. Alastor simply stared. "What a shame. Cooking is healthy for the heart. A pleasant activity. Well, I don't cook so much anymore... I eat other things." He grinned his intimating grin again, and Angel looked up at him, about to ask what he meant but already had in mind what he meant. "Oh, right! Well uh, imma get a salad or something. Want anything anyways?" Angel walked into the kitchen, Alastor following behind at a bit of a distance.

The kitchen was huge, for somewhere that didn't need it. Many shiny metal ovens and sinks lined up neatly against the walls, fridges, and freezers too. Large stacks of plain plates, cups and cutlery crowded the table in the centre of the room where food was to be prepared. "Uh, so I guess the first part of the tour is the kitchen. Pretty big, not that we need it. Neat, huh?" Angel started to messily chop up some vegetables as Alastor walked around, running his finger along the top of an oven. He inspected it, and showed his finger to Angel, which was grey. "A large space, however terribly dusty. Perhaps your maid should clean in here too. The cleanliness and hygiene of food being served to customers is a priority in a hotel." Alastor continued to walk around, as if he were some sort of inspector. Angel stared for a while, before hurriedly finishing his salad and starting to eat. "Want anything, then?!" Angel said, mouth full of lettuce, to which Alastor didn't look impressed. "Do you have no manners, Angel? Swallow. Also no, I don't eat salad. Let's continue our tour. After you." He waited. Angel went a bit red, feeling like a child having been told off, but shaking it off and finished his salad. He stormed past Alastor in a petty mood, walking back through the lounge into the main hall. Alastor followed behind.

"You seem to be the confident type, then? Not liking when someone confronts your poor etiquette." Angel huffed, but smirked and turned to the other demon. His shyness had gone completely. "Of course I'm confident! Look at me, I'm fucking gorgeous!" Angel posed, to which Alastor ignored him and walked past him into the bar. "Let's continue the tour." Angel sighed quietly and obeyed. He was more comfortable around this demon, but he seemed pretty serious and uninterested. Emotionless. Angel knew it'd be a long few hours giving him this tour.


Alastor sipped his coffee as Angel sat beside him. After a painfully boring tour of the hotel, the pair decided to just rest in the lounge before the others arrived back from lunch. "So... What do you think of the hotel?" Angel started in a monotone voice, honestly just trying to start a conversation. He felt awkward in silence, although Alastor looked completely fine sitting in silence. "It needs work, but I look forward to seeing what happens with it. This is a fun little project for the princess." Alastor sipped more coffee, and Angel suddenly got the urge to ask a more personal question. He wasn't sure whether it was a good idea, but fuck it. "Uh, so... Why did you even want to work here? I mean, you're the most powerful demon in hell..." Alastor looked at Angel. "Exactly. I'm bored. I want to watch the princess try, only to repeatedly trip and fall down into a pit of failure." He smiled at Angel, a red static aura appearing behind him. "This is all for my own entertainment. After all, the world is a stage of entertainment, is it not?" Angel frowned. "Yeah whatever you say, Shakespeare. I'm just here for the decent pay." Angel leaned back into the sofa, completely relaxed, looking back up at Alastor with a smirk. He stared at Angel. "What? You like what you see?" Alastor scoffed.

"No. I'm just... Thinking. I need to know what kind of people are here, that I'll have to deal with. I've analysed everyone else. But now you. And... You seem cocky, my feminine fellow." Angel rolled his eyes. "Oh lord, you're one of those. Watches everyone and figure them out, right?" Alastor thought for a second. "Not precisely. More to discover their strengths and weaknesses, fears, things similar to that." Angel stared at him.

"You're kinda creepy. A creepy.. Er... Strawberry pimp. That's it." Alastor sipped his coffee and put the cup down, glaring at Angel, suddenly threatening, clocks in his eyes. "And let me guess, you're a slut come off of the street?" He smiled widely, he knew he was in control. Angel looked angry and looked to the side, before Alastor simply smiled and relaxed beside him. "I knew it." "Shut up, pimp boy." Alastor sighed, his static voice gentle and calm. Angel looked back at him, scanning him quickly whilst Alastor rested his eyes. He was slim, but tall and elegant. Traces of coffee and firewood danced in the air, a surprisingly nice combination. He smelt like a dark night really, a nostalgic and peaceful smell, which was odd considering how intimidating Alastor was. His hair was also fluffier than Angel first thought, making him less scary. He had a small, gentle smile on his face, very different to his usual smile. Angel stared at his face. 'Hes... kinda cute...' Angel didn't even process the thought. He felt pissed at himself. Without even opening his eyes, Alastor asked bluntly "why are you staring at me?" It was sudden, and Angel sat there, lost on what to say. Alastor opened his eyes and beamed his teeth at Angel, frowning in a peculiar way. "I was just, uh, looking at your.. Er... monocle. I mean, its floating! How the fuck does it do that, huh? Some voodoo or some shit?" Alastor rolled his eyes.

"My my, Angel. You see, a demon such as I can do whatever they please. I have... Power on my side. I shall leave it at that. Also, I'm not clueless. Perhaps when I ask you a question, you shouldn't lie. I know when people lie." Alastor stared at Angel, who just stared back, once again speechless by this demon. How could this guy, who he'd just properly met, make someone so confident suddenly speechless? Alastor chuckled quietly, immediately sending Angel's heart into a frenzy, and Angel turned away quickly. "I don't see what's so funny."

Alastor smirked. "it's fun watching someone so confident become speechless. This hotel may be more entertaining than I first anticipated~" Angel blushed, turning back to Alastor, pouting. "Hey, let me tell you this! I'm not your toy or some sick shit, so don't even dare-"

The hotel door swung open as Charlie bounced in with all the others, chatter and light suddenly filling the corridor. Charlie ran into the lounge, smiling brightly as usual, and looked even happier to see Angel. "oh, Angel! You're out your room, yay! And you're friends with Alastor? Great! Oh, we all went shopping for decorations and food, let me show you guys-" Charlie ran in a mad rush to grab the new items, but Alastor stood up, smiling down at Angel before walking over to Niffty of all people.

He ruffled her hair gently, kneeling down as Niffty smiled. "oh my goodness, I missed you Alastor! You should come with us to lunch tomorrow!" Alastor smiled back and replied "Indeed I shall, dear~" the pair then hugged, gently but it was so full of care. It shocked Angel completely. Alastor seemed emotionless really, but now it was proven he could care. Angel felt moved at the scene, he smiled softly to himself for a split second, before being dragged out by a desperate and playful Charlie.

//I'm trying hard to get the personalities as accurate as possible, so any feedback let me know. Also, I swear things will get more interesting soon and sorry this chapter is short.

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