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"You sssssslimy creatures! I'll defeat you, no matter what it takessss! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Sir Pentious cackled.

"Come at us, bitch! You and your eggs couldn't handle us!" Cherri screeched, laughing and smoking as she threw a great amount of bombs at Sir Pentios' weird ship. Angel handled the egg bois, shooting with his rifle-like gun and similar to Cherri, smoking and laughing, having a good time.

"Damn, I missed this Cherri! Where have I been..?! What have I been doing with myself?! Fuck, I need to get out more, like the Good ol' days!" Angel laughed in pleasure as he pinned an egg boi down with his foot, pushing down so hard he cracked there and then, yellow slime exploding up Angel's leg.

"Oops, had a little accident Angel~?" Cherri smirked, throwing her never ending supply of bombs to the swarm of eggs pointlessly trying to shoot at the pair. "Oh, I wish~ I think I just got egg guts up my luscious legs! I'll need purifying after this! Where are the sexy men at?!" Angel whined, running along the barren landscape with Cherri to find a good hiding spot to aim their weapons properly. Angel caught site of a giant boulder in the ground where cherri had thrown one of her bombs. 'Perfect', Angel thought.

"Over there!" Angel nodded to the pit, to which Cherri nodded, and the pair bolted and dived into the pit. They laughed, smoking and reloading their weapons. "So Angie, what's happened then?! Come on, tell me!"

"Okay okay! So I've been in this shitty hotel yeah, and I've got a huge ass room! With a balcony! It's run by the princess of hell, Charlie or something. Its balls, Cherri!"

"Oh. Shit. It's good I've been looking after fat nuggets! He misses you!"

"Holy crap yes, my child! We NEED to go see him after this! Oh oh oh, I need to tell you about this demon at the hotel! The radio demon, Alastor. Know him?"

Cherri threw aside her cigar, smirking at Angel. "Ohhh him! He's like, powerful or some crap, right?! The red deer dude?"

"Yes that's him! Cherri, he's the most... He... He's so classy and sexy and handsome and gorgeous! He's like... He's something else, Cherri. I don't just wanna fuck him cause he's hot, you know? Like... I want to be held by him and I want to be near him...." Angel thought about Alastor, forgetting he was in the middle of a war zone. He sighed happily, in a way that Cherri clearly had never seen before. She burst out laughing, relighting another cigar and breathing out the smoke.

"Oh, Angie~ you've properly fallen for this guy! Shit man! That's awesome! Well, when you get the dick, tell me ya?" She winked, Angel smiled and nodded.

"Yeah yeah! I just wanna be with hi-" BOOM. A missile launched directly next to Angel and Cherri, sending the pair flying. "SHIT! Come on sugar tits, lets finish these fuckers! To be continued!"

"Right with ya!" And with that, the pair launched once again into war.

-A war-filled hour later-

Cherri and Angel made their way to Cherri's tiny single room apartment, bruised and covered in egg guts, but very much alive. Both were smiling in contentment as they'd won the turf war! Hurrah! But for now, they decided to just head back and relax before handling the land they'd won over. Cherri swung open her door, and chubby little fat nuggets came plodding along, immediately jumping in the air with excitement as soon as she saw Angel. She jumped up into Angel's arms, licking his face and snuggling into his body warmth, and Angel laughed as he cuddled her back protectively.

"Hey girl, I missed you too! Damn, i needa bring her to the hotel with me!"

"Yeah yeah, but i love having her! Whatever suits ya guys! Now get your asses in, let's drink and talk about pointless shit!"

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