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Angel wandered through the quiet, cold streets of hell. He'd been walking for a Good half hour, through narrow alleys and between drug stores and rotting houses. It was silent. The only sound for the past half hour had been Angel's worried heels pattering along the cobbles, and also the wind howling it's grim and freezing tune. The time was 1:25. The sky was a dull red. Angel walked, completely alone, surrounded by nothing but the bitter air.

"Alastor! Please, where are you?!" Angel would call every now and again, tears in his eyes. He knew the deer could easily look after himself, but he felt a need to keep him close and protect him. The thought of him being caught up in a turf war or violent scene sickened Angel. But, as he walked out of a narrow alleyway into the centre of the pentagram, his worst fears were confirmed.

The First thing Angel noticed were the blood-curdling screams echoing off of the tall building surrounding the town centre. Then, the thick layers of red that oozed down buildings and ran in rivers down the path- it was unmistakeably blood. Corpses were shredded like roadkill around the area, some Angel even recognised from the pub incident. Demons were scurrying around, weaving through building and barging each other out the way, trying to escape whoever had reeked havoc. Angel had seen demons declare war before. Angel had seen demons loose their shit before. But never, NEVER had Angel seen a scene quite as awful as this. It looked as if an extermination had just taken place here, except a lot more bloody and gruesome. Angel couldn't help but feel a rising sickness awaken in his stomach as he gazed upon the piles of intestines strewn about the floor. However, the worst part was when Angel ascended into the madness, trying to find the source of what was happening, and seeing his beautiful lover in the centre.


Except, he wasn't. He had grown at least five feet in height, his small cute antlers had extended into huge razors on his head, his grin etched up to his ears in a mad fashion. His claws were like spears on each hand. His eyes were void and distant, his clothes were ripped and covered in blood. Flesh hung from his mouth. Thick blood dripped from his claws. Angel felt sick, it was suddenly painfully obvious how he was an overlord. This wasn't Alastor.

'What the fuck... Alastor... I... I need to help him. He's gone insane, and I didn't know he had this in him... Is this about this morning? It doesn't matter, I just need to help him' Angel thought, though he did feel a bit of fear. He knew he shouldn't just go up to him. So Angel took it slow, walking against the current of demons running for their lives. As Angel got closer, he saw exactly what Alastor was doing, and felt sick.

Alastor was hunched over, eating a huge reptile-like demon. The demon was still alive, screaming in agony, but the radio demon didn't even acknowledge him. Alastor bit into his neck, blood draining out the reptile, and Alastor only grinned as the demon screamed for him to stop.

"Oh God, I'll do anything! Please, I have a family! I have kids! Please, oh God I'm not ready to really leave! No, no no!"

All morality had gone. Alastor dug his talons into the reptile, blood dripping from his mouth. Angel couldn't bare to watch this anymore. Angel stood a good metre away from the pair, but still too close for his comfort. He screamed as loud as he could, hoping Alastor would notice him:


The deer's neck cracked as he snapped his head around, clocks in his eyes. As soon as he saw Angel, who had mascara running down his face and sweat on his brow, Alastor dropped the half-eaten demon and shuffled back. The demon scurried past Angel, nodding as a thanks on the way past. Angel locked eyes with his mad lover.

"Alastor, what the fuck have you done?! What's happened?! Talk to me, I'm here for you! Whatever is happening, I can help you! Just please, goddamnit, calm down!"

Alastor's smile was so wide it was clearly forced. He looked down, stood as a colossal giant, ashamed. Angel could see he was ashamed, but the other demons observing cowered in fear 15 metres back. Through bloody gritted teeth, Alastor whispered, just loud enough for Angel to hear "Angel... I... I am still a demon... And I'm sorry..." He started to shrink, horns sinking into his head. The other demons looked amazed, Angel simply cried more. Seeing Alastor in so much pain was suffocating him. As Alastor returned to normal, Angel couldn't restrain himself. He ran up to Alastor, grabbed his wrist, and dragged him away from the scene.

They went into a distant and dark alleyway, where Angel finally cuddled Alastor away from everyone else. He felt Alastor's body erupt into shakes, and then Angel's shoulder began to dampen as Alastor buried his head in Angel's shoulder. Angel wrapped his 4 arms all around his lover, shushing him and kissing his bloody hair gently. "Alastor... Whatever this is about... Just know that I will support you and help you, no matter what. I know I'm not the best sometimes, but I promise I'm trying my best for you. You don't have to lash out at other demons like this-"

"Angel..." Alastor looked up. Tears were running down his face, his face looked innocent, yet being covered in blood didn't help. Angel smiled ever so softly, resting a hand on Alastor's cheek.

"Let's go back and get you washed and cleaned. Then we can go in my room, cuddle up, and you're gonna tell me whatever the fuck you've been hiding. If you protect me, I protect you too. Got it, shortie?" Angel smiled, and Alastor rolled his eyes.

"I'm not that much shorter than you! But... Yes... I shall take it upon myself to wash your clothes, dear. I'm sorry, they're covered in blood and tears now..."

"Ahhhh its fine, honestly these clothes are usually covered in cum or something-"

"I didn't need to know that! And I insist! I... Have acted in a very uncouth way today, and I apologise you had to see me in such a state... My... My inner shadow... It-"

"Shush! At the hotel, okay?!" Angel smiled, gently grabbing his hand and leading Alastor through the streets. Alastor sighed, but allowed Angel to lead him, grateful the spider somehow calmed him down.


As soon as the pair got back, they ignored the stress of the others and rushed upstairs. Alastor went straight in the shower, whilst Angel threw his and Alastor's clothes in the wash. Angel then selected a fluffy red jumper with a small cute deer on it, as well as some comfortable pants for Alastor, and a baby pink tank top and matching polka dot shorts for himself. He got changed, Alastor got out the shower and changed as Angel prepared his room, then there was a knock at the door. Angel skipped over to his door and swung it open.

"Hey cutie! Like the outfit I picked out for ya?" Angel froze.

'Oh. My. God. Hes so cute...'

Alastor looked adorable in a fluffy jumper. He had cleaned himself up, and his smile was once again shiny white, but what struck Angel most was his tied-up hair. Alastor really suited a ponytail.

"Uh, yes, thank you dear!" Alastor smiled and blushed sheepishly, stepping into the room. As Angel shut the door, Alastor glanced around at the room. Angel had hung up fairylights and made the room a bit more cosy, placing all his pillows on the bed and closing the curtains so the room had a dull, warm feel. Alastor smiled as he and Angel sat on the bed, snuggling up and intertwining their fingers.

"You didn't have to make your room so lovely for me, Angel..."

"Oh, shush! I wanted to make it a bit more cosy, so be grateful!"

Alastor chuckled, leaning over and pecking Angel's cheek with a grin. "Oh my, what did I do to deserve you?"

Angel blushed, smiling as he and Alastor cuddled under a pastel pink blanket, sharing body heat. "Don't start with that mushy crap! You know what I wanted to pull you in here for... What was all of today about, Al? You know I won't judge you, right?"

Alastor sighed, holding Angel close. "Well... Alright, I suppose I better tell you. You deserve to know."

Angel nodded, holding the deer close, preparing for anything.

//hope everyone is doing well! Sorry updates are a bit slow, im honestly groggy and unmotivated nowadays... But as always, thank you for the support and patience!

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