a new friend

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Third-person pov

 Y/n is currently at school right now having lunch he Just finished his mac and cheese and pulled out a large box of chocolate. Just then like some sort of phantom Koneko appeared out of nowhere and tapped Y/n shoulder.

y/n "yes?"

Koneko "I want your chocolate."

y/n "No"

Koneko "But I want some sweets and you have some"

Y/n "No this is my chocolates"

Koneko "Come on it's not like you can eat it all by yourself without getting sick"

Y/n  "Everybody told me you really don't care for anybody so why do you care if I get sick"

Koneko "I don't care if you get sick I just want your chocolates"

Y/n "Wow, you're really mean that people aren't you. Then I don't think you deserve chocolate if you're going to be rude."

Koneko stayed silent for a minute until Y/n spoke up

Y/n "How about this if you really want the chocolate you're going to talk to me and try to be my friend," He said with a smile

Koneko "Fine but just because I only want chocolate."

Time skip sponsor by Damage Inc

Rias was wondering where Koneko was and she's found her talking to the new kid She thought to herself I'm going to have to scold her for forgetting about the meeting and talking to the new kid instead until she felt a faint power coming from the new kid.  It could be one of the strongest aurae she felt in a while but it seems like something was hiding it from its full potential it must be another sacred gear she thought to herself. But not only that the strangest part was is that Koneko was smiling at the new kid She barely smiled at anybody even when we gave her Sweets she just gave us a cold thank you.  She thought to herself if her suspicions about the boy being powerful with a sacred gear are correct she already has someone that he probably likes and it will be easy to convince him to be part of her Peerage. 

 Koneko then saw her King in front of her

Koneko "Sorry Y/n I got to go it was nice to talk to you and thank you for the chocolate"

Y/n "You're welcome"

She walks away with Rias.

Koneko "Sorry, Prez just want some of the chocolate that he had and-

Before she can finish her rias sentence interrupted her.

Rias "It's fine I was going to scold you about missing the meeting but thanks to you I found out about Y/n"

Koneko "Why is that"

Rias "Because I think I found the next member of our Peerage"

Koneko "are you going to have me stalk him"

Rias "not right now just stay friends with him"

Koneko"ok Prez" in her thoughts "Y/n is very cute I won't mind hanging out with Him" she blushed a little.

Another time skip brought to you by cancer Mouse

Y/n was talking to Palutena on to the shrine about the observation of the day.

Palutena "so you made a girlfriend today~," she says teasingly

Y/n blushed " no no no no no not like that at all just friends"

Palutena "relax I'm just kidding but this good decision on your end you could be able to keep your eyes on the devil's a little bit better without being too suspicious"

Y/n "thank you lady Palutena"

Palutena "you're welcome now get some sleep for tomorrow's observation"

Y/n "right away lady Palutena"

To be continued

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