An unexpected visit and an unexpected proposal

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Third-person pov (ps Sona Will does not know that you're an angel yet)

Y/n and Palutena are currently watching TV

Y/n "my lady"

Palutena "yes"

Y/n "can you please remind me why you're staying here"

Palutena " well now that you're known to the supernatural world I need to keep a closer eye on you"

y/n "Oh okay"

They hear a knock at the door

Y/n "now who Could That be"

y/n then got up from the couch to answer the door He opens the door to see Sona and a man and a woman that looked like her behind her.

Y/n "Do you need something Sona?"

Sona "Yes my parents like to talk to you"

y/n "Why do they want to talk to me"

Sona "Look it's very important just let us in" 

y/n "Sure I guess come in"

They walk in to see a large living room with a TV and Palutena sitting on the couch.

 Sona "Who is that on the couch"

Before Y/n could answer Palutena spoke.

Palutena "I am Palutena y/n guardian"

Sona dad "Guardian what happened to his parents"

Palutena "We don't like to talk about that"

Sona mom "Oh I think we understand"

Sona dad "Anyway I feel like you should know about this y/n has beaten are daughter in a game of chess"

Palutena "So?"

But before the conversation could continue 2 magical teleporting circles appeared on the floor teleporting in Sizechs, Serafall, Ravel, and Riser peerage appear from the circles.

Sona dad "Lord Lucifer," he said surprised

Sona "Serafall"

Serafall "What are you doing here sister"

Sona "Well I was trying to inform y/n about our marriage" 

Y/n and Palutena "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Serafall "Well it looks like we're sharing a husband"

Y/n, Palutena, and Sona "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sirzechs "I'm not surprised that the legendary angel warrior managed to best her in a game of chess"

Sona And her parents "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A QuickTime skip brought to you by my questionable s Class rating in Fire Emblem Fates

Sirzechs Quickly explained to Palutena how he wanted good relations between her and the devils so they arranged the marriage with Serafall.

Palutena sat there and thought for a second Y/n until intervened with his reasoning.

y/n "Do you think it's weird marrying me to her I barely know her and also being married not to one girl but two girls"

Serafall "Well for the first one I'm going to live with you and secondly, you seem strong enough to handle two girls maybe even more"

y/n "plus also why are you guys here?" y/n points at Ravel and Riser peerage

Ravel "well after your goddess teleported my brother to wherever she also took the pieces out of his peerage So he's not there King anymore and they want to serve you"

Sirzechs "So will you accept the offers"

To be continued

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