a weird dream Valentine's day short

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Third person pov
Y/n Was currently sleeping in his bed having a odd dream at least to his standards
Y/n pov
I was dreaming I was sitting on some sort of throne

Me "where am I this chair is really comfy though"

I continue to sit there for a few minutes and as I was about to get out of the chair I heard knocking

Me "come in"

I saw a lady palutena in some very odd clothing and I blushed

I saw a lady palutena in some very odd clothing and I blushed

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palutena "oh I love you when you do that my love"

Me "l l l l love"

Palutena "oh not just my love there's as well"

All suddenly I saw all the girls I've met in very revealing clothing Even Asia was wearing very revealing clothing and they all slowly walked up to me.

And as soon as Lady palutena is going to kiss me I woke up.

"oh thank you goddess I should not be having dreams about you like that"

I looked at the time and see I still had some time to go back to bed so I did and I had another weird dream

I slowly woke up as my alarm clock rang and I thought to myself but that was weird but not as weird as the other one.
To be continued

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