Why Me

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Jungkook POV

"Mom I'm sorry" I said desperately.

"Do you still like guys?" I heard her whispering on the phone. Maybe they'll take me back.

"Mom it's who I am. I'm bisexual" I whispered back. "Please understand and accept me" I said desperately.

"Jungkook..." I heard when someone snatched the phone. My dad.

"Come home when you are back to your senses." He yelled as he cut the call.

I really thought my parents would be more understanding when I didn't hesitate to tell them I had feelings for a guy. My mom took it well but dad was disappointed. Very disappointed. He said I was out of my mind. This was before I kissed V so my feelings for Tae very developing. I argued with my dad that night and he asked me to go live in the dorms. Away from home. I can't go back till I get back to my senses, meaning till I tell them I was wrong about my sexuality. Which is not happening.

My friends know why I shifted to the dorms, I told them. They never leave me alone after that. It's really sweet of them. I haven't told V though, never got the chance to.

"Still not talking?" I heard Jimin.

"What?" I said faking a smile.

"I know you were talking to your parents. They'll come around don't be sad" he said hugging me. I sighed in his embrace.

"So, did you talk to V, it's been awhile" he asked changing the subject.

"No I didn't see him the whole day" I pouted.

I totally forgot he was going to talk to Minho 2 days ago. I wonder how that went. I called him a couple of times but he didn't answer. Is he ignoring me?


Taee I haven't seen you in 2 days!

Is everything fine?

Did you tell him?

Was he okay?

Come to the basketball
court right now.

"I'm going to meet V" I announced and Jimin giggled at my excitement.

I was already dressed in a hoodie and jeans so I ran straight to the basketball court.

As I neared the Court, I could see it was totally dark. I was about to leave when I saw a figure near the bleachers. I ran up to them.

It was V.

He was smoking.

"Everything is fucked up" he said.

Phone Swap [Taekook/Vkook • Text]Where stories live. Discover now