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Jungkook was still a little angry as Tae had ignored him for a week. But right now he was happy that Tae was back.

"Kookie" Tae whispered from behind him.

They were cuddling on the sofa in the shared living room.

"Hmm" kookie responded.

"Let me tell you what happened"

"If you want to" Jungkook answered.

"Of course I want to. I owe it to you" Tae pulled Jungkook up so they were facing each other.

"That you do" Jungkook pouted and Tae pecked his lips before explaining.

"So after the dinner with Minho's family, they got a call. Minho's grandmother was in the hospital in Wuhan. They wanted to visit immediately and Dad agreed to go with. Finally all of us left in their private jet."

Jungkook nodded.

"Turns out it was an act. We didn't even go to Wuhan, instead we were in Taiwan. For my engagement. With some girl"

"But Minho?" Jungkook interrupted.

"I'll get to that. Minho was a friend at that time and I asked him for help. He agreed and asked me to trust him. So when his dad was around he kissed me. His dad was furious but happy it was me. He already knew Minho was gay. He managed to convince my dad too. And somehow my engagement was with Minho"

Jungkook hummed in understanding not liking where the story was going.

"Minho promised he'll talk to his dad but he never did. Last night I overheard him talking to my father about how the plan had worked and how finally I would be his. They even planned to print in the newspaper. I couldn't handle it. No one was on my side. I had to get away. So I requested my aunt to book me a flight back and she did."

"I'm back. Since the article has already printed, everyone know I'm gay so it's no big deal. I'll just have to introduce you to my dad when he's back"

"Woah I don't think he'll like me" Jungkook shocked.

"He called me when I landed and I told him there's no way I'm leaving you. After lots of fights he agreed to meet you" Tae pouted.

"Okay when" Jungkook asked nervously.

"This weekend"

"That's in 3 days!" Jungkook yelled.

"Right" Tae said nervously.

Phone Swap [Taekook/Vkook • Text]Where stories live. Discover now