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"Minnie I told you what happened why can't you forgive him" Jungkook pleaded.

They were hanging out in their dorm and Jimin was still suspicious about V.

"I believe you kooks. But I feel it's " Jimin sighed not able to comprehend his thoughts.

"I love you Jimin, and you liking him matters to me. I need you by my side when I tell the others soon"

"When are you planning to? I mean everyone already know. Except Hoseok. That guy is oblivious as hell"

"I'll talk to Tae first" Jungkook answered.

"I don't dislike him kooks. I just feel you are more invested into this relationship. I mean I know he loves you and everything but I don't think he knows you completely. You get what I'm saying?"

Jungkook didn't respond and Jimin continued.

"It just feels rushed. You guys literally stopped talking for a month. Reason being lame and I can't forget the way he treated you. I mean, he may have trust issues but he should have spoken to you"

"Minnie don't bring that up. We've moved on. We're better now."

"I want to believe you Jungkook, but that was not long ago."

"Jimin I understand. But it's not like I'm getting married to him. I'm only meeting his dad." Jungkook smiled at his concerned friend.

"I guess you are right. I'm sorry if I spoke too much. I just don't want you hurt. Like me"

"I understand Minnie" Jungkook hugged his friend. Jimin was only making sure and Jungkook didn't find it weird. They were always like this, giving advice and being a well-wisher.

Jungkook was feeling grateful until he heard sobs. Jimin was crying.

"What's wrong Minnie" Jungkook asked a bit scared. Jimin never cries. He's always strong  and aggressive.

"Is it because of Yoongi?"

Jimin nodded and wiped his tears. "I hate him so much"

Jungkook patted his back and he took few breaths to compose himself. He then became calm.

"Let's watch a movie?" Jimin broke the silence.

"Sure I'll make popcorn" Jungkook announced.


"I heard about what happened, are you okay?" Yoongi asked his Friend who was sipping his beer.

"Yeah I'm good but nervous"

"Of Jungkook meeting your dad?"

V nodded and Yoongi knew why.

"I won't best around the bush. It's most likely that your dad won't like him. He'll even try to put Jungkook down. Just take care of him and be there for him. He's a sweet kid."

"Of course hyung. I'll make him feel as comfortable as possible. If it gets too much we're leaving" V said with a smile.

"You really do like him huh"

"I love him hyung. I almost had this slipping away. I'm going to make him happy now. He deserves it" V smiled to himself.

Yoongi could feel his heart longing for a certain Jimin but he felt it's too late.

"How do you know it's not too late?" Yoongi asked hesitantly.

"You'll never know unless you try hyung. If Jungkook had given up on me for good then we would be over. But he decided to give us a chance and here we are. If I never approached I wouldn't get that chance. What I'm saying is talk to Jimin and let him decide"

Yoongi looked at V for a second before nodding. He was going to talk to Jimin. Finally.

"You're all grown up" Yoongi smiled.

"Oh almost slipped my mind. Hoseok is planning to ask Jungkook to prom."

"What? Oh shit, they don't know yet" V cursed.

"Well everyone except him know. Just tell him before things get complicated, Kay?"

V nodded and felt uneasy all of a sudden.

He got up on his feet and went towards his dorm.

But he was pushed back to the ground with someone on top of him.

"Minho? What the hell?"

Phone Swap [Taekook/Vkook • Text]Where stories live. Discover now