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Jungkook POV

"Jimin!" I yelled at the boy running too fast. Though I could easily catch up to him, I decided not to.

I was walking towards my locker when someone patted my back.

"Minho" I smiled awkwardly.

"Jungkook" he said with a weak smile.

"You're my friend so I wanted to say sorry"

"Minho, you don't have to. It's not your fault at all."

He smiled but soon turned into a weird smile.

"I know. I was talking about the future"

"What?" I said not understanding.

He hugged me out of nowhere "Nothing kookie".



Taehyung POV

I haven't seen Jungkook since morning, I miss him. I can't wait for lunch.

I was currently sitting next to Minho and was desperately waiting for the bell.

"Calm down Tae. You'll see him at lunch" he chuckled. I blushed and nodded.

After a few minutes, the bell rang.

"Finally" I yelled and got up.

I was about to vanish to the cafeteria in full speed but someone stopped me by my wrist. I turned irritated but soon relaxed when it was Minho.

"Um can I join you guys for lunch?" He asked with a smile. "I mean I don't have anyone to sit with"

"Sure thing" I smiled and we both went to the cafeteria.


Jungkook POV

"Where is Tae, hyung?" I asked Jin who was sitting at our table. The famous table with girls on their laps doesn't exist anymore. We sit together. It's actually nice. I misjudged them.

"He must be here kooks. The bell just rang" jin hyung answered.

"I can't believe we actually skipped class and just sat here" hobi hyung laughed.

"I know right?" I laughed.

Jin hyung, hobi hyung and I skipped history. We shared the same class so we skipped it.

"He's here" I beamed when I saw Tae. But my smile became less wide when I saw Minho with him.

They came to our table.

Minho stepped forward, "Can I please join? I don't have anyone to sit with. Please kookie" he looked at me.

"Okay" I answered with a smile.

He came forward to hug me and I hugged back.

The next thing I knew Minho was sitting next to me. I had saved that seat for Tae. The other side was hobi hyung so Tae had to sit next to Minho. I pouted a bit but let it go.

Soon Yoongi hyung and joonie hyung joined us. Only Jimin wasn't here. He came running when we were just about to begin eating.

"Tae was desperately waiting for lunch kookie" Minho said smiling at me and then squeezing Tae's cheeks.

It was cute but I didn't like it. It made no sense. Just two days ago he was madly in love with Tae and now he's playing match maker. But he's actually making an effort so I'll give him the benefit of doubt.

I giggled and continued eating.

"No I'm serious he yelled Finally when the bell rang" he continued, "So loudly" and looked at Tae lovingly. Not like a friend, but of admiral.

Tae didn't seem to notice, he was blushing and avoiding eye contact with me.

"If he was missing kook so much, then why isn't he sitting in his seat?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, "Which is next to Jungkook" he pointed at Minho's seat but he was looking at Tae.

Tae looked up to answer but Minho beat him to it.

"Oh God I'm so sorry. I forgot your seat is by him and not by me" Minho sat up looking at Tae with tears in his eyes and ran away.

"What's with all this drama jeez" Jin hyung spoke.

"He's fake as fuck" Yoongi hyung stated.

"He's been through a lot" Tae said hesitantly.  He feels guilty about the situation and I know it so I don't push it.

"Yeah let's just eat" I said looking at my food.

"I should go after him right?" Tae suddenly got up. "I mean , it's my fault right?" Tae said looking at me.

"Let him be" Joonie hyung insisted.

"Okay" Tae sat down with a pout. Jimin was analyzing him and I could tell by the expression on his face, he wasn't liking any of this. Well, neither did I but I understand the situation.

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