I'm sorry

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Where did he go? I can't find him anywhere. I did hurt him. He must have thought I didn't care about him. That I just wanted him for sex.


Jungkookie where are you?

I'm so sorry kook

I was high I didn't realize
what was happening.

Please come back!
Delivered 6:00 pm

I was heading back to my dorm when I saw Jungkook coming out of someone's dorm.

"Jungkook" I screamed. He turned to look at me and then walked away. I jogged upto him and held his wrist.


"What do you want V" he said not looking at me.

"I'm so sorry kookie. I told him the deal was off, I won't hangout with him anymore" I said making him look at me.

"Are you sure about this Tae?" He asked with puffed eyes. He must have cried.

"Very sure. I really love you" I said as I hugged him and he immediately melted in my embrace.

"Love me?" He whispered breaking the hug.

I didn't answer. I didn't know what to answer. It's too early to fall in love right? But I've loved him since the day I saw him, which was months ago.

"You heard me" I smiled and he hugged me tighter.

Phone Swap [Taekook/Vkook • Text]Where stories live. Discover now