Chapter 1

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Light gleamed inside the laboratory.

Keith Ebony stepped inside. He was always anxious of what's inside his father's company laboratory.

Desks decked the area, on top of them was a massive array of laboratory apparati.

but what caught Kieth's attention was a giant glass cylinder that stood in the middle of the room.

He walked closer, and saw that someone was encased inside of it.

That made him tingle, and curious.

It was a guy. He was maybe seventeen, he had icy blue hair, icy pale complexion, a strong jaw, and a slender built.

He was unconcious, other than that he was completely bare, and tubes were connected to his body.

Beneath the cylinder was a gold plaque with the name:  JACKSON OVERLAND (Specimen 002) was engraved.

He repeated the name in his head.

Why did it sound so familiar?

He looked over the cylinder. The guy looked like he was being used as a labrat. He was scarred. Underneath the new bruises was faded cuts and wounds. Then Keith noticed something etched at the guys arm.

It looked like a bar code. Like the ones you see on price tags at supermarkets.

Keith looked closer and he saw an image of a snowflake. It looked like a watermark on the barcode.

He wanted to free the guy. He looked weak and dying. But before Keith could think, he heard footsteps come by the lab and he hid himself behind one of the generators.

Three scientists walked in all in there lab coats.

"How is the specimen?"  One of them spoke.

"The Nevermeltice is becoming successful doctor" the other said.

"Our specimen is fighting, but we've made precautions" she continued.

Keith wondered what Nevermeltice is. And why would they use a human being to test it.

"Are you sure about this Doctor Cleve?" the third one sounded jittery.

"Affirmative" the head scientist replied "Jet, would want this to be a success".

Keith held on to the generator to keep himself from falling.

Hearing his father's name associated with this mutiny was too unbelievable.

His father was a nice man, and Keith always looked up to him.

If Ebony Industries handled Overland, then he must be something. And Keith intended to find out.

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