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The sun shines through my curtain as I woke up due to my alarm... I got off the bed and went to my bathroom...

After i'm done taking a warm bath i went to my closet and search for a comfortable cloth.

I wear my pink oversized hoodie and shorts. I went downstair and there is my mom cooking some pancakes.

"Oh good morning darling... Come and eat pancakes..." She said.

"Morning mom... I would love too but i'm pretty late so bye mom..." I said while wearing my shoes.

"Bye sweetie... Be careful..." She said while waving at me.

I smiled and waved back and walk out of the house.

I walk to school since it just few meters away.

----| |----

I'm arrive and walk inside ignoring what people said about me. I went straight to my lockers and take my book. As i shut the door and turned around, Yeonjun and taehyung pop out of no where.

"Yah... You're scared me." I said as i hold my chest.

"Hehe sorry i'm just wanna ask if you want to go to a party at Mia's house later night." Yeonjun said while smiling.

"You know i'm not into parties right..." I said as i raised my eyebrows.

"Awhh... Please Jieun just this one...." Taehyung pleaded as he give me his puppy eyes.

"Not working Tae..." I said. He pouted.

"Please just for me... Please Jieun..." This time Yeonjun pleaded.

"You know last time I go to a party.. I need to take care two drunk man..." I said sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry about that... This time we won't be that drunk..." Taehyung said.

"Oh my this two---" They cut me off.

"Please..." They two said in unison and make puppy eyes.

'Cute overdosed' I thought.

"Yeah yeah.. Whatever... Okay i'm going..." I said boringly as i started to walk to my class.

"Yeay..!!! Jieun is the best..." I heard they said and I slightly smile.

----| |----

I open the door of my class and the teacher is teaching.

"Mind explaining why are you late...?" The teacher ask.

"I overslept..." I answered.

"Okay... But please don't do it again." I nodded and went to my seat.

And as soon as i sit...

[No one's POV]

"Mr. Park... Why are you late again...?!" The teacher asked him sternly.

He just stand there and with his hands inside his pocket. After a while he walked to his place. Ignoring the teacher. She sigh knowing he will not listen. She continue to teach as he put his head on the desk not paying attention.

Jieun not paying her attention either. She is busy admiring Jimin's face. Oh yes she has a crush on Park Jimin the school's Playboy... One of the member of group BTS, The kingka of the school.

She just the nerd of the schools. She don't understand why did people just call her nerd and avoid her. Thank god she got two dumb yet cute bestfriend names Yeonjun and Taehyung.

On the other side, Taehyung her bestfriend is thinking about her. Well honestly he has a crush on her from the first day they met.

She is indeed beautiful... Her smooth skin with her round glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her dark brown eyes. Her pink chubby cheeks. Her soft pink lips and her dark smooth hair. Plus her slim body and she looks so small right now since she is wearing  oversized pink hoodie that hide her small body. Gosh she is perfect how can people say she is a nerd. They didn't see the beautiful in her.

----| |----

"Ok class dismiss..." The teacher said as the bell rang meaning recess time.

Jieun stand up from her sit and went towards Taehyung.

"Hey Tae..." She greet him.

"Oh hi..." He said.

The two went to canteen together. Yeonjun said he can't go recess with them as he said he have to meet Miss Kang.

As usual, they would buy their food and went to their usual spot.

*Jieun's POV*

"Hey Jieun. You still go to that party right??" Taehyung ask her.

"Welp... You two kinda force me soooo yeah... How can't i resist you two adorable creatures." I said as i pinch Taehyung cheeks.

"Oww... Thats hurt..." He do a sad face.

I just chuckled and continued eating.

----| |----

"I'm back..." I said as i walk to my room.

"Oh you're back Jieun...? Btw i need to go to a business trip for three month..." She said walking out from the kitchen.

"What?! Three month?! Seriously mom...?!" I said kinda annoyed since she always go on a business trip.

"Yeah... Oh don't worry.. You won't stay alone. Since i will go on this Friday,  so on Thursday you would go to my friend's house. You'll stay with her son since she also going on a business trip." She said while my mouth was hanging.

"Her son?! Seriously...?!" I said. Whining a bit.

"Yes and i would never leave you alone so this Thursday you ARE going to their house... Final..." She said and walk to the kitchen.

I sigh kinda annoyed.

'I can just stay at Tae's house or something...' I mumbled quietly.

I groaned and go upstairs to my room.

----| |----

(Sigh) okay... Today is the day i moved to their house. Relax Jieun nothings gonna happen.

I'm arrived at their house... Oooff, i'm shocked... It's a freaking mansion... I walked in and get greeted by a women and I considered it as my mom's friend.

"Oh hi... You must be Jieun... I'm mrs. Park... But you can just called me aunty okay..." She said cheerfully.


I shook my head at the thought... Then someone opened the door wider.

"Sorry oh you must be my mother's---"



We said at the same time. Oh no no no... Don't say he---

"I'm dead..."

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