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*Jieun POV*

"Marry me..."

I froze

Wtf... Did... I heard... It r-right...

"E-erm Jimin I-I think you d-drunk t-thats why...??" I asked him nervously.

"No jieun... I'm serious... Will you marry me... Please..." He pleaded.


"I'll pay you how many you want... Please marry me."

I just stared blankly into his eyes but then he suddenly smirk..

"W-why are you smirking..??" I asked him while looking everywhere.

"You really think i'm proposing you...?? Oh Lee Jieun no... I'm asking if you can help me by marry me... It's because my mom want me to married soon and if not i need to married Song Ji ha..." He explain while chuckled at me.

"So you ask me?? To marry you...??"


"But I--"

"No but... you ARE going to help me... I know you need some money right??" He said.

He then stood up and walk away but stop when i called him...

"I'll accept..."

----| |----

I walk down the hallway sleepy cause i did not get enough sleep. I kept on thinking about the fake wedding. I sigh and continued to walk till my class.

I was about to open the door but all of a sudden someone pull my shoulder and slammed me against the wall.

"What the--"

"Jieun...." He said panting.

"T-Tae... Why are y-you---"

He kissed me on the lips as i widened my eyes. I tried to push him away but he is stronger than me. I give up and kissed him back. At the end, he pulled away.


"I... I love you... I love you Lee Jieun..." He said still panting.

"I--" i got cut of when someone pulled me away from Tae.

"Get away from her..." He growled.


"Why should I...? Didn't you are the one who spread false rumors about her..?" He said to Jimin.

Jimin froze and he tighten his grips on my hand. Tae and him glared at each other before Jimin let go of my hands and look at me with scary eyes. Then he just walk away and get in the class. I look at Tae and half-smiled before I left him and go to class.

I get in the class and my eyes fall on Jimin. He look at me then look away not wanting to do eyes contact. I sigh and went to my seat.

'He likes me...'

I thought of Tae confession just now.

After a while, Tae get in the class he look at Jimin and glared at him while Jimin did the same. He also took a glance at me and smiled. I smiled back as he walk to his seat. Later, the teacher came.

----| |----

It's sooo boring.... I look around and my eyes land on Jimin.

'Can he stop making me stare at him..'

I stared at him and look away when someone slammed the door open.

"Choi Mina.. Why the hell did you come late again...?!" The teacher ask her but she seems like she doesn't give a shit.

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