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*Jieun's POV*

And here we are at the amusement park.

Jimin stop the car but my eyes still glued to Jimin. He made his way out and he opened the door for his girlfriend. I heartbroken a little but i got out of his car anyways. We walked to the counter as he buy the tickets for us all. After that, he walk to his girlfriend and put an arm around her waist.

"Take this... This is your ticket... Just go wherever you want i'm going with my girlfriend... Oh and btw you can go back to the hotel by taking a cab or bus or something... We need to go somewhere after this..." He said while looking lovingly at his girlfriend. Ignoring the fact that his wife is standing infront of him.

They walk in leaving me dumbfounded. I looked at the ticket and one tears slips my eyes and falls on the ticket. I ripped the ticket apart and walk away from there.

I just walk and walk and walk without knowing where am i now. I don't care i just want to get away from Jimin. I went to a playground and sit on the swings. Tears is streaming down my face as i was sobbing.

'Why... Jimin why... I'm just loving you and you're hurting me like this... I understand if you hate me or something but you don't need to be this harsh...' I thought as i cry harder.

"It's not my choice falling in love with you..." I mumbled.

----| |----

Jungkook's POV

Today i'm going to suprise her. I come all the way to London to suprise her and one more thing... It's also because i miss her so much T-T

I smiled as i walked out of the airport while calling Namjoon hyung.

"Yah kookie what do you want??" He said.

"I'm here in London hyung. Where are you staying...?" I said cheerfully at him.

"You at where?! You really come all the way here to meet Jieun am i right??" He said frowning but already know the main reason i'm here. 

"Hehe... Now where are you staying...??" I ask him again.

"At Parkinson Hotel..." He said blankly.

"Okay thanks hyung..." I said as i hung up and walked in the cab.

I smiled widely. I wondered what is her reaction seeing me here.

Arrived at the hotel, i booked one room and walked towards it.

----| |----

"Finally..." I sigh as i'm done unpack my stuff.

I already called Namjoon hyung asking where is she and he said she go to the amusement park with Jimin.

I wear my black hoodie and walked out of the hotel.

I called the cab and get in heading to the amusement park. Once i'm there, i called Jieun before i get in there.

"Hello princess..." I said cheerfully but she just quiet.

"Hello babe are you there??" I ask concern something might happen to her.

"H-hello K-kook..." She finally said with cracked voice.

"What happen?! You okay?! Where are you now??" I ask her panicking.

"I'm a-at the p-park... N-no i mean p-playground..." She said softly.

I sigh... Isn't she with Jimin at amusement park...?? I swear if Jimin hyung do something to her i would punch his face.

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