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Jieun's POV

I smile looking at myself in the mirror.

"Perfect..." I mumbled and bit my lips.

I walk downstairs and my eyes falls on Jimin who is looking at me in awe. I feel my face burning up. As i reach him, he quickly grab my waist bringing me closer.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispered looking at me in the eyes. I smile before slyly said "I know..." And get out of his grips. He smile widely and we walk to his car. We get in the car as he started the engine.

"Ready for the date, baby..." He said making me chuckled.

"Oh yes..." I said and he started to drive away from our house.

"Hey Jimin..." I called for him as he just hummed.

"Are you sure the boys can take care of Jungsoo?? I just get worried..." I said slowly as he took a glance at me.

"I'm sure baby... They will" He said and smile, assuring me everything is fine.

I look out the window and let out a soft chuckled making Jimin look at me before looking back at the road.

"Why are you chuckling??" He ask and i just shrugged.

"After all that has happens, finally, we are happy. I am now engaged with you and a few month later, we will get married. I'm so happy yet so excited. I still remember how you propose me that day..." I said while smiling softly, playing with the ring on my finger. Jimin just smile taking a few glance at me.

"But really do you have to kidnapped me and all?? You how scared i am??" I said seriously and he giggled.

"Yes..." He said and i crack a smile.

"You know after that day you left me, i feel so destroyed. I never thought we'll be here, together. I thought you will hate me forever..." He said making my face soften and hold his hand. I rub his hand abit and smile as he hold my hand back.

"I hope we'll stay like this forever..." He said and grinned.

"Yeah..." I said and look out of the window hand still intertwined with Jimin's.

'I hope so...' I thought.

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No one's POV

With her hand in his, they walk as they look at their son playing with his uncles. They walk calmly side by side in their own world.

"Jimin..." She said looking up at him.

"Yes eun..." He answered looking at her with his soft eyes.

"Do you really love me??" She ask making he frown. He grabs her shoulder making her look at him.

"Of course i am Jieun shii... I love you... So damn much that i can never let you go from my life. You're my life Lee Jieun... If i left you alone in the dark, i'd be the stupidest person in the whole world. I'm alone in the dark and you come brighten it up. Thank you to always accept me after what i have done and after what you have gone through... I love you Lee Jieun... So fucking much..." He said sincerely and a genuine smile curved on her face. He slowly leaned in and lay his lips on hers. After a few second, she return the kiss making he smile while kissing her passionately.

Now, they didn't care about others. They didn't care about what they say. They want to show the world that they love each other.

They pulled away from the kiss and Jimin hug Jieun.

"I love you Jimin... I love you so much..." She mumbled hugging him tightly.

"Okay cut it off. Don't you two see Jungsoo is here..." Jin said while covering Jungsoo eyes as the two pulled away.

"Jin hyung stop covering my eyes..." Jungsoo said making the others laugh. Jin stop covering his eyes look at him wide eyes. 

"Hey you must called me Uncle Jin not Jin hyung... Jungie where is your respect??" He started to said as the boys face palmed their self.

"Okay Jin hyung before you started to lecture us, let me go away first..." Jimin said making others burst out laughing. Jin pouted and look down at Jungsoo who run to his family.

"Ey my son..." Jimin said and lift up his son while spining around making everyone look at him in awe.

Happy family... Happy life... They are all happy... Jieun and Jimin having their little family, Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung having a girlfriend while The rest of the boys still remain single.

Jieun smile looking at her family.

They are perfect... Her little family and Bangtan that always have each others back making her feel complete.

They are family....

---------- THE END ----------

Author nim here... Finally this book come to an end... I hope you all enjoy my book. Sorry if there is so many grammar mistake or anything because english is not my first language. Thank you for the one who reads the book. I appreciate it.

And again thank you everyone...
Love ya <3

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