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No one's POV

Anothers day passed by and this is the last day they were staying at London. Jieun spend most of the time with Jungkook completely ignoring Jimin

She is still confuse with her feeling.

Did she love Jimin?

Did she love Jungkook?

She don't know. What she know is Jimin is treating her badly and it broke her heart. But of course Jungkook always there for her.

Walking out of the airport, Jieun look to her right and smile at Jungkook as they intertwined their hands. Jimin at the back watching the scene. His eyes is burning in fire looking at you who is walking side by side with his bestfriend instead of him. Isn't he the one who hate you? Isn't he the one who wants you away from him?

Now everythings slowly turned upside down. He slowly loving you and you slowly lost your feelings for him.

But she know deep down of her heart she still love Jimin. She can't deny her feelings. Even she is slowly falls for Jungkook.

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Jieun's POV

I plopped down on my bed, exhausted. I sigh as i grab my phone and unlock it. I smile looking at the wallpaper of me and Jungkook kissing near Han river. I closed it back and stare at the ceiling.

Did i still love Jimin?

Did i love Jungkook?

Who will i choose between them?

Who am i in love with?

It's so confusing. I groan and put a pillow on my face. Slowly, i drifted to dreamland.

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That week after just when normal. Going on a date, have a coffee with friends and of course arguing with Jimin.  He treats me like i'm his maid and he also abuses me. Threatened me that if i tell Jungkook he will definitely kill me. Me, being the scaredy cat always hide the bruises from Jungkook. When he see my bruises, i'll just make up a story and he'll believe me.

I smile walking out of the bathroom feeling fresh. I wear my pink hoodie and shorts and i let my hairs down. I wears my specs and walked downstairs. I look at the living room and theres Jimin kissing his girlfriend, Minyoung.

I sigh as i make my way to the lake. I plugged in my earphone and slowly walk around. I smile looking at the cute couple being all lovey dovey. As i arrived,  i just walk around enjoying the nature.

Someone taps on my shoulder making me flinch. I look to my side and relief it was just Tae. I unplugged my earphone.

"What are you doing here...?" I ask him as he looked at me smiling widely.

"Nothing... Just want to clear my mind..." He said still smiling so widely.  I chuckled.

"Why are you smiling so widely...?" I ask him.

"It just i've got a girlfriend..." He said proudly.

"Really?! When?!" I ask him suprised.

"Just two weeks ago...?" He said looking at me.

"How could you didn't  tell me earlier..." I pouted as he hugged me from the side.

"Sorry... Just a bit too busy... That's why..." He said and ruffle my hairs.

"Tae... You destroy my hair..." I get out of his grips and pout.

"Sorry..." He smiled showing his rectangular smile.

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