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Jieun's POV

Five years later

"Eomma..." He said and hugged my feet from behind as i preparing breakfast. I smile and turned around. I squat down to his height.

"Baby, why don't you go shower first before you eat..." I said softly.

"But eomma... I want to eat first..." My four years old child whine.

"No you can't eat yet... Go and shower..." I said and turned around back at my pancake.

"Okay..." He said and walked away with his little feet.

After i ask him to go shower, i put the pancake on the table along with Jungsoo milk.

I have one cute child and i name him Jungsoo. Now he is four years old. He look so much like his dad. His eyes smile is the same as Jimin. Everything about him remind me of Jimin. After that day, i've been so close to Gureum. I've been working in his cafe for years and i've never seen Jimin after we get a divorce. Today, i am not working so i stay at home with Jungsoo. I don't wear my specs now. I wear contact lens. I know it's random for me to say that but hey... This is Lee Jieun. Okay that's so random.

I snap out of my thought when Jungsoo walked downstairs and climb to sit on the chair. I guess he's a little bit too short so i help him to sit on the chair. As he see pancake, his eyes sparkling.

"Yeay... Pancake!!" He said cutely. I just smile and look at him as he eat his pancake.

"Eomma i'm so excited for school on this Monday... I wanna make new friends..." He said as he smile cutely. I look at his now empty plate.

"Yeah you better make friends or i don't want to bring uncle Gureum to our house anymore..." I said as he widen his eyes. He stand up and walked towards me.

"No don't... I want Gureum hyung.. Okay i'll make friends..." He pleaded cutely so i laugh and pinch his cheek.

"Yeah okay... Now go to the living room... i wanna clean the dishes..." I said as he nod and he run to the living room.

I walked to the sink and started washing the dishes.

----| |----

I walked in the living room and shocked to see Gureum playing with Jungsoo.

"Gureum?? When did you came??" I ask as i sit on the couch.

"Just now... I just miss my nephew..." He said and look at Jungsoo playing with his car toy.

I smile and zoned out for awhile.

"Sis... Hey Jieun..." I snap out of my thought and look at him.

"Yeah why??" I said.

"You've been zoned out... Wanna talk??" He said softly.

"No it's okay... I just thinking maybe we could go for a walk..." I said as he nodded his head.

"Yeah sure... I'll change Jungsoo clothes..." He said and turned to Jungsoo bringing him upstairs to get ready.

I walked to my room to get ready as well.

----| |----

I ask Gureum to go to my favorite lake and he agree.

He park his car and we walked out of the car as Jungsoo hold my hand while walking.

We walk around and decide to sit. Jungsoo bring his ball so me and Gureum just sit and watched him play.

"So about the Kindergarten, i will take Squishy after school okay..." Gureum said looking at me.

"No don't... let me..." I said looking at him.

"But sis... I wanna take Jungsoo to the kindergarten and i want to take Jungsoo home..." He whine.

"No no no...  You can't... Later you'll bring him somewhere..." I said as he sigh.

We continue talking and i don't realize about Jungsoo.

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Jimin's POV

This is her favorite lake. I miss her so much. I've see her when we get a divorce and i see her at one beach but i just to scared to approach her. She look too happy. My child must be four or five now.

I snap out of my thought when a ball stop at my feet. I look down and pick up the ball. One kid about four years old come running and look at me.

"Can i get that ball back..." He ask cutely.

I nodded and give the ball to him. I squat down to his height.

"What is your name cutie..." I ask him softly and he look at me.

"Ouh my name is Jungsoo..." He smile and i realize he has the same smile like mine.

"Where is your mo---" I wanna ask him but someone interrupt me.

"Squishy come here..." The guy yell from afar.

"Sorry my uncle is calling... Bye Uncle... Mochi..." He said and run away.

"Mochi??" I said almost laughing.

"Why did he called me Mochi??" I said as i touched my cheeks.

I shrugged and continue to walk. That little boy... I just somehow feel some connection with him. I walked to my car and drove to the boys house.

----| |----

I knock on the door as i heard muffled voice from inside.

"Yoongi go and opened the door..." I heard Seokjin Hyung said.

"Ask Jungkook to go..." He said lazily.

"But hyung... I wanna play this game... Ask Tae..." Jungkook whine.

I chuckled and knocked on the door again.

"Hyung this is me Jimin open the door..." I said and Seokjin Hyung opened the door.

"Come in..." He said as i walk in and walked to the living room. I sit beside Jungkook and rest for a while.

"What are you doing here hyung??" Jungkook ask while playing the game with Tae.

"I just finish walking at the park so i decide to come here..." I said and Jungkook nods.

"You have found Jieun??" Tae said suddenly. I sigh.

"No... I don't even now where she is..." I said sadly.

"But i found one kid today... He look so much like me... He said his name is Jungsoo... I don't why but i feel some kind of connection with him... Oh and he called me Mochi..." I continue as Suga hyung look at me.

"Mochi..." Jungkook snorted and Tae laugh silently. I glare at them.

"Really... What if that is your son??" Yoongi said as Tae, Jungkook and Seokjin turned to me.

"Who's son??" J-hope said coming from upstairs.

"Yeah hyung.. What if that is your son??" Jungkook said wide eyes.

"I don't know..." I said quietly.

If that is my son then Jieun must be somewhere near. If true that is my son then who is the uncle who called him?? Does he know where is Jieun??

"Hey, don't think too much... Maybe true it is your son... Maybe not..." Yoongi said and laid back down on the couch.

'Yeah... Maybe true... Maybe not...'

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