Chapter 24

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Selene backed away just as a ghoul lunged at her, fear filled those silver eyes as she moved once more. It was like that day all over again. Because of her daze one of the ghouls managed to tackle her sideways knocking her sword out of her grasp.

   Moving in just the nick of time she shoved her hand under its head and shoved backwards, struggling to free her other arm she finally moved her hand and formed aard which knocked the ghoul backwards and gave her just enough time to grab her sword and stab it through the face at its next oncoming attack.

    Wide eyed and shaking slightly Selene forced herself to stand. She had only killed one and she still had 14 more to kill along with destroying the nest to keep them from returning. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath, the creatures watching her as they got ready to lunge.

    Letting out a ear piercing shriek the creature went to charge at Selene. And that's when pure black eyes opened and she slashed it in half. Drawing her second sword she shifted and moved as if she was dancing, flipping the blade over her wrist as she took down another, blood spraying the floor and herself.

     However the fear that bound her was no more, she wasn't about to lose her companion, she wasn't about to die, no she was alive. She was alive and Well. Giving the creatures a pure grin full of malice she let go of her control and started slashing through, moving left and right, jumping backwards when needed. The water was murky with blood, and Selene wore quiet a bit of the blood as she killed the last ghoul.

   "Nasty fuckers, I should destroy the nest before more decide to show up. Picking out a bomb she threw it into the nest before using Igni to light it and then she hid behind the trees as the bomb finally exploded.

    Geralt looked up at the sound of the explosion and frowned. "Damn what the fuck happened?" Grabbing the box that held the missing items he started to walk towards the sound of the explosion only to stop as he saw Selene walking towards him. "Was that your doing?" She nodded as she put her swords away, she was covered in blood and her eyes still black and he only smiled. "Take it You're Done?" "I am."

   He walked over and went to touch her face when she stopped him. "What is it?" "I'm covered in blood, both drowner, water hags and ghoul, and you're trying to touch me." He raised an eyebrow. "Was I suppose to care?" And with that he pulled her to him holding her close. "Wait what do you mean a water hag?" "Oh yeah, seems they didn't know one was lingering in the area so I killed that too."

   He nodded as he stepped back to look at her again. "How did it go with the ghouls?" She sighed softly at this. "I froze." His eyes widened slightly but let her continue. "I froze for all of three minutes, almost like I was reliving that horrible day. It gave the one a chance to knock me down, but I didn't let it hurt me. Once I realized it wouldn't be like that day, I refused to let it be like that day, I blasted it off, grabbed my weapon and basically killed every last one."

    Geralt simply smiled before he tilted her chin up and kissed her slowly on the lips, he didn't care she was bloody, or smelled like the swamp. He was just glad she was okay, alive and had overcome that fear of ghouls and that day. Pulling back Selene blinked before she shrugged. "Oh Fuck it." He raised an eyebrow wondering what that was about until she pulled him back down to her and kissed him. Smirking against her lips he picked her up to make it a bit easier.

   She gripped his shoulders as he pressed her back against a tree and she broke the kiss for some much needed air. "We...need to get back." "Hmmm" he stole one last kiss before setting her down. "Alright lets go." And with that the two headed back to Roach. Deciding to not put the poor horse through the smell of blood Selene started to walk and Geralt raised an eyebrow. "Woman get your ass back here." Selene laughed and kept walking only for Geralt to catch up on Roach and then pull her up onto the horse. "There, now we can go."
Selene laughed again but simply held on while they made their way back to Crows Perch.

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