Chapter 40

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As Selene made her way through the streets of Novigrad, did she have this weird feeling in her gut. Turning her head she tried to see if anyone was near her but, no, no one else aside from a few begger's were In the area. Frowning slightly she continued to walk until she literally bumped into someone. "Ah. Sorry about that."
    Selene said as she dusted herself off before she saw black pants, slowly looking up she saw a black and white shirt, black hair, and violet eyes. "Yennifer." Said woman raised an eyebrow before she spoke. "Selene." Neither woman said anything for a moment. Selene because she didn't want to lose her temper, and Yennifer knew if she lost her temper it could end badly.

     After some very uncomfortable silence did Selene finally speak. "Well, uh nice seeing you I suppose." Just as she went to walk away, with every intention of finally going to retrieve her sword, did she feel a hand grab her wrist. "Not so fast Selene." Selene stiffened, and Yennifer saw this and let go. "Yennifer, if you don't mind I'm in a bit of a rush."

    She tilted her head. "What's the rush hm?" "I need to go get my sword and armor." Yennifer raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with whats on your back?" Selene at this point gripped her steel blade and showed her. "See the cracks?" Yennifer nodded. "It looks very old." "It is." The Two just started at each other. "Look, if you need to talk to Geralt, he's at the main market."

   She started walking again only after having put her sword away. Yet she wasn't prepared to see that Yennifer was following her. "Why are you following me?" "Who said it was Geralt I needed to speak with?" Selene glanced over at her and arched an eyebrow. "I came to speak with you."

    Selene didn't stop walking, even though the news alone shocked her. "And why do you need to talk to me?" Yennifer looked over at Selene and almost frowned. She knew she had fucked up last time by letting petty jealousy cloud her judgement.  "First, allow me to apologize for the way I treated you last time." Selene mulled over this for all of a second before nodding. "Alright, forgiven." Yennifer smiled as she heard this.

      "Second, I overheard something you might find interesting." Selene turned and crossed her arms wondering what the price was. "And what's your price for telling me." "There is no price, this however effects you." Selene arched an eyebrow, arms still crossed, a frown on normally calm features. "It's nothing bad, more like it's something I should return." "Get to the point." Yennifer sighed and pulled out a necklace, a very old necklace but one Selene knew all to well. "I found your grandmother's uhhh spot, yes I dug her a grave, but I took the necklace. I spoke to her, so I'm not stupid."

    Selene however was transfixed by the simple necklace, it constitutes only of 3 shells each in Various sizes but it was something that was in her family for generations, it's why the shells usually bad to be replaced. "It was weird, it was like she was waiting for that moment, I told her I would find you, that I would find you and return this to you. I...ended up enchanting it with magic so it wouldn't get destroyed so easily" Selene reached over and took the necklace before she carefully put it away and then stared at Yennifer.

   Said woman was uncomfortable at this point, usually she wouldn't be, but when Selene stared, it was like she saw all of you, every mistake, every flaw, all of it. But she never once judged someone. "Thank you. You have no idea, how much this means to me." Yennifer nodded and started to follow Selene again. "If you don't mind, I'll be tagging along, you're heading towards the blacksmith, but the herbalist i need is in the same area." Selene simply shrugged as she kept walking.

    Once they made it to the market did Selene walk over to where she saw Hattori. "Hattori." Said man looked up and smiled. "Selene! Right on time, the armor is ready, and so is the sword." Selene nodded as she went to pull out her coin when all of a sudden she was stopped. "Hattori?" "This is a gift Selene, also there's the fact it's already been paid for."

   Selene tilted her head. "Who would have paid for it though?" "I believe his name was Letho, he was with some other guy named Vesemir." Silver eyes widened before she laughed softly. "Leave it to Letho to remember my ranting about needing my sword fixed up." "Yes, he did, and Vesemir is the one who paid." She shook her head. "So that's why I got a letter back so quickly." "Exactly."  She shook her head and removed her old sword and watched as Hattori took it. "Return in the spring for this one Selene, I'll make sure it's repaired so if you ever need to go back to it, you have it."

    Selene nodded and looked up just as she heard her name. "Selene! Geralt look I told you she would still be here!" Geralt rolled his eyes but smiled at the sight of Selene before he stiffened. "Yennifer."

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