Chapter 60

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A few weeks had passed and Ciri was currently outside practicing with a wooden   Sword and scowling as she was told to do it again, and again, even though she felt like she had already got it. So with a frustrated huff she turned to face Vesemir. "Why am I doing it over and over again??" Vesemir sighed as he crossed his arms not giving her the answer she wanted.

    Ciri felt herself becoming aggravated and just before she could throw her practice sword down was she stopped by Selene herself. "Ciri." Ciri stiffened at the tone and immediately knew she would be in trouble if she didn't calm down. "He's having you do this repeatedly so you're use to the way it moves, because even one slip up could me something extremely fatal."

    Ciri stared at Selene for a moment before she sighed and calmed down. "I'm sorry, I'll keep practicing." Selene nodded and spoke to Vesemir this time. "Anyway Vesemir, take it easy, and if anything you can have her meditate, it's does great for self control." And with that Selene walked off heading right for the school where hopefully they could decipher the prophecy about the darkness.

      And while they had little no idea what it could be about, selene for the first time felt as if she was completely at ease, she saw no darkness and Nilfgaurd was finally being stopped. Shaking her head she walked into the library she headed over towards the section of higher powers. Stuff that could explain what Ciri was, if it was recorded, and hopefully explain the prophecy she had been hearing.

    Hours passed and Selene had found absolutely nothing, she had gone through book after book after book, to no avail. With a frustrated shriek she threw the last book at a wall and put her head in her hands as she tried to calm down her temper. However that didn't last long as the door opened slowly. "Get out!" The door quickly slammed shut and the person ran off yelling for Geralt. "Fuck it was Jaskir..." yet she couldn't find it in herself to care. She was frustrated, hungry, conflicted and tired. She needed answers, but she needed food and rest as well.

    Standing up slowly she started to clean up the piles of books she had on the floor when she stiffened her eyes going blank as she heard whispers, whispers that were other worldly and powerful. "Vie arha Stomera. Kies anu." I have been waiting for you, storm. Selene went to speak but she couldn't form words, it was like something was choking her, yet she could breathe. "Yina a kiru ves asor Selene, Vah eka yon." You are Selene, the one I've waited for.

      Selene shook her head, still trying to speak but she still couldn't get out any words. "Lesa, Zio, a Zarikah, vie ódara kes diru. As Ena vesu no, Stomera ika Zarikah ven Daru. Lesa Selene, yo kiru aka lega." The flame within the storm that will pierce the darkness that's awaiting and calm the storm. The darkness will end, that Selene is a legacy. However just as the voice went to speak again did it suddenly vanish as Selene felt someone grab her and shake her. "Snap out of it!"

    Silver eyes finally refocused as she looked at the person who shook her so roughly only to calm down as she saw Geralt, however he was now leaning over her. "What....what happened?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's what I was going to ask you, you were standing when I came in after Jaskir said you snapped at him, and then you fell as soon as I tried to call your name."

    Selene raised an eyebrow before she sighed. "I was looking for answers, couldn't find shit, so I snapped out." He nodded slowly. "Bad mood then, meaning food then sleep, because you look exhausted." She sighed again. "I am." "Doesn't explain why you were on the floor and almost non responsive." "I heard it again." He tilted his head waiting for her to continue. "I heard the whispers, it was different, almost other worldly...."

    "What did they or it say this time Sel?" Selene rubbed her head as she tried to remember what was spoken but the second she tried her head exploded with pain. "Fuck....I Can't." His eyes widened. "Let's rey again after you've rested." Selene could only nod in agreement. So Geralt carefully helped her stand and led her out of the library, neither one aware of the being that had been watching them intently.

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