Chapter 25

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As they made their way back it finally began to rain and Geralt simply stopped Roach which let Selene finally get off and he looked at her before dismounting as well. "Well, at least it's washing off the blood." Selene only nodded before looking up at the sky, the blood and mud simply ran down her face before geralt had her look at him.
    "What is it?" He chuckled before using the old grey cloak she had to wipe her face. "You're beautiful even when you're covered in mud and blood, but I prefer being able to actually see your face." Selene blushed faintly and went to pull back only for Geralt to pull her back and kiss her once more. This time it was a bit more urgent, he moved his lips against hers and Selene gasped as he bit her lower lip.

   Moaning softly she gripped his shirt and returned his kiss as she felt his tongue slide into her mouth. Slowly and deliberately moving his tongue along Hers before mapping out the rest of her mouth, growling at the pure intoxicating taste that was Selene. Pulling back after a few moments she looked at him, her cheeks flushed, her silver eyes a slight shade darker, and her breathing uneven.

    "Not that I'm complaining but...what was that for?" He chuckled. "I felt like it, besides, kissing in the rain? Sounds deathly romantic doesn't it?" Selene laughed before he kissed her again. This time slower, his hands were on her waist before the one moved behind her and slid under her shirt, moving up her back and resting in the middle. Selene's one hand was on the side of his face and the other gripping his hair as she moved her lips against his.

    They only pulled back when they heard a loud cough. "Not to ruin your disgustingly cute moment but we have stuff to turn in." Selene turned and rolled her eyes at lambert and Geralt glared at the man before pulling back from Selene. "Fine let's go." Selene nodded and started walking up the path while geralt once again secured Roach.

   "Look Selene, I don't know what's going on with you and Geralt, and i don't really wanna know, so I won't pry. All I ask is that you be careful, I don't wanna see you get hurt by anyone." Selene sighed as she looked at lambert and patted his back. "I know, you're just acting like any other brother would. I didn't have one growing up, at least not biologically. But you stepped up and took the part so for that I'm thankful. Whatever it is I have with Geralt thats my business and his. I don't wanna think to deeply on it, I don't wanna blame it on the pull either, even if it does play a heavy part." 

     Lambert nodded and he sighed. "Damn, when did my lil Sis finally grow up to become so wise?" Selene laughed before she hit him. "I grew up a long time ago, and I've always been wise." He chuckled. "I know that Selene just picking on you." The two laughed as they kept walking. "I'm glad your jobs went well." "As am I Lambert, as am I." He nodded. "Well I guess it should be made a warning, do not touch Selene of Vesina because Geralt of Rivia will kill you for it."

   Selene laughed as she walked off. "I'll meet up with you two at the tavern. No killing each other." And with that she was gone.

  Geralt came up behind lambert who sighed and turned to look at him. "Please, don't ever hurt my sister, if you can't commit to her leave now, I'll tell her myself, but if you commit to her don't you dare sleep with another woman, don't even look at one." Golden eyes widened at this and then he crossed his arms. "She's a big girl lambert, pretty sure she don't need you butting in." "I know this, trust me I know this, and she already told me this, I'm just saying it because I can and I will."

   Geralt grunted before shaking his head. "You have nothing to worry about, even if she travels on her own for a while, it's only going to be her for me. I don't want anyone else. I don't want Triss or Yennefer, no other woman, just Selene, because even without that pull, she caught my complete attention, her kindness and personality is what drew me to her. Even before I could feel the connection. And while I promised i would never say those words, i have a feeling one day we won't be able to ignore it."

   He tilted his head. "what words?" Geralt sighed before he looked around. "A certain set of words followed by saying the word important." That's when lambert stopped him. "Gotcha, so Destiny was a bitch and bound you two together before you two even knew."

    "Basically." "And Selene's one condition was to never say the binding words." "Correct." Lambert simply sighed. "You two can't avoid it forever." "No we can't, but when we're ready we'll discuss it." Lambert nodded. "Okay man, I'm trusting you with my sister. Now let's go hand in these jobs and get to the tavern." "I couldn't agree more...oh and Lambert." "Yeah Geralt?" "Thank you." And with that he walked off.

    Selene was now back at the baron's estate and waiting to speak with the man. Once she was given the okay to go in did she nod at Him. "They're dead, the drowners and a hag that joined them along with the ghouls and it's nest destroyed. The baron smiled. "You have my thanks Lady Selene. I'm sorry we didn't know about the hag." She shrugged one shoulder.

    "It happens, trust me. You haven't been able to get to the swamp so I understand." He nodded before he handed her the coin. "All of it as promised and a bonus." He handed her another bag this one however wasn't coin so she raised an eyebrow. "What's this?" "Food and a cloak, our weather can be even harsher then where you previously were, or it can be warmer, take it and I hope to see your kind around again." Selene nodded and thanked the man before she left and headed for the tavern.

    Once inside she dropped her coin onto the table and placed the bag on the bench next to Geralt who looked up at her. "I see you got your coin, Ah and something else?" She nodded. "Food and another cloak, apparently the weather here can be worse then our last location." Geralt rolled his eyes before moving over to make room for Selene who sat down right after.

    "So did you boys behave yourselves?"
"Yes mom" she glared at lambert before the three broke out laughing and geralt wrapped his arm around Selene's shoulders holding her close. "Need anything to drink?" "Just water." He nodded before Lambert shrugged and walked off to get the water for Selene, and some ale for all three just Incase Selene decided to drink.

   "So what's on your mind Geralt?" He chuckled a bit before he sighed. "I hate how observant you are at times." She shrugged. "I'm not even sorry." He chuckled. "Of course you're not, it's a good thing. However, I need to know, what the hell are we?" She looked at him this time and frowned a bit confused. "I'm sorry?"

   He looked at her and saw the confusion in her eyes before he sighed. "Sorry, that must have confused you. But the question is, are you just mine? Was this just a passing fling?" She blinked as it made sense. "I'm yours...but only if you're mine in return." And the smile that appeared on Geralt's face was enough to make her smile as well. "You're mine and only mine" and with that he kissed her forehead as Lambert finally came back. They sat together and talked while eating and drinking and for the first time all three were finally content.

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