Chapter 5: Team Training

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"Ok so when is she going to show up?" Soji asked.

"School is just getting out of class." Elder Kai said.

"Didn't school already end?" Zero asked.

"If you have extra activities then you stay here." Elder Kai said.

"Oh that's why the lights stay on sometimes." Matthew said.

"Oh that's her right now!" Elder Kai said.

"Are these really my teammates Elder Kai?" Gin asked.

"Heh sorry but your attitudes are quite similar and I believe you will all become great friends." Elder Kai said.

"N-nice To meet you!" Soji said looking at her as if he's seen her before.

"Hm? You kinda look familiar." Gin said, looking at Soji.

"Hey there cutie welcome to the team!" Zero said.

"Say that again and I'll break your hand." Gin said having ki emerge around her.

"N-noted." Zero said scarred.

"So what should we do now?" Matthew asked.

"I suggest you all go train together and get to know each other to make your team better for later missions! Because teamwork makes the dreamwork- Hey! Get back here I wasn't finished talking!" Elder Kai said as they all flew away.

*at the mountains*

"So who's taking on who first?!" Soji asked excitedly.

"I'll fight Gin so we can get to know each other more." Zero said winking.

"I will give you no mercy." Gin said staring him down.

"Heh I'll fight you Soji." Matthew said.

"Alright! sounds like a plan! On the count of three we fight! Ok 1...2....3!" Soji said charging at Matthew.

*Soji and Matthew fought as Soji threw a punch Matthew caught it by following up with a knee to the stomach*

"Ack! Why you!" Soji said as he kicked Matthew to a mountain.

*Matthew caught himself before crashing only to have Soji go through behind the mountain with a ki blast and hitting him in the back*

"Tch! Smart move but how about this!" Matthew said as he vanished away.

"What? Where did he go?!" Soji said turning every direction not finding him.

*as Soji looked around he felt heat on his back and the sound of a ki blast only to be shot to the ground by Matthew*

"How did you do that?!" Soji asked.

"Simple I disappeared and went directly behind you and followed your movements so you didn't know." Matthew said smirking.

"Wow...that was pretty clever." Soji said.

"Funny thing...I'm not done!" Matthew said vanishing and kicking Soji in the face.

‍"Tch...HAAA!" Soji yelled having his power surge blowing Matthew away from him.

"What?!" Matthew said confused and worried.

"I'm not done either!" Soji said having purple and red aura surround him.

*with Zero and Gin*

*Zero and Gin fought even for quite awhile*

"Final Breaker!" Zero said trying to hit her in the back.

"Nice try." Gin said twisting Zero's arm.

"Ow Ow Ow!" Zero yelled.

"Do you give up!" Gin said.

"...n-never!" Zero said using his other arm to throw a ki blast at her.

"Ah! I can't see!" Gin said blinded.

"HAAAAAA!" Zero yelled charging a blast.

"Final!" Zero yelled charging the blast.

"Heh your final Breaker isn't going to work this time." Gin said getting her hands ready for him to strike.

"Heh sorry but it's not like that this time! FLASH!" Zero yelled as he fired the blast at Gin..

"Damn it." Gin said.

"Sorry sweetheart but I can't lose." Zero said.

"Hiyah!" Gin said vanishing behind Zero slamming him down into a rock.

"Ack! M-my back..." Zero said laying down.

"Luckily for me I was just able to see again just as it hit me." Gin said.

"Now stay here and rest." Gin said flying off.

*with Soji and Matthew*

"HAA!" Soji yelled punching Matthew into a mountain.

"Augh!" Matthew tried to speak.

*as Matthew got up Soji was to fast for him to recover*

"Your not going anywhere!" Soji yelled kicking Matthew through the mountain.

*Soji kept his feet connected to Matthew and crashed into the ground*

"...please S-Soji this is too far..." Matthew muttered.

*Soji didn't listen to his words and instead grabbed his arm and threw him on a rock*

"Ack! What's going on why is he doing this..." Matthew said coughing up blood.

*Soji charged a blast from his mouth and fired*

"Damn it I need to see if I have a senzu bean! Yes!" Matthew said eating the bean.

"Kaaa meee haaa meee HAAAA!" Matthew yelled as he fired the blast.

"D-damn it! His blast is too strong! What happened to him!" Matthew said as he started slamming his feet in the ground to stay there.

"Revengeful Flash!" Gin yelled firing a beam at Soji's blast.

"What?" Matthew said looking at Gin.

"What are you doing! Go full power!" Gin said making her blast as powerful as she could.

"....HAAAAA!" Soji yelled making his blast bigger.

"What are we going to do now!" Matthew said struggling.

"Masenko!" Zero yelled firing the beam at Soji's.

"This is all we got! HAAA" They all yelled blasting through Soji's beam.

"Wha-AHHHHH!" Soji screamed in pain being blasted through mountains.

"Is he ok!?" Zero asked.

"Yeah he's not dead." Gin said.

"Let's make sure he's ok before I give him a senzu bean." Matthew said.

"...owwww." Soji slowly muttered out.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Matthew yelled.

"I-i have no idea." Soji said confused.

"Great I have a teammate that randomly goes insane and tries to kill us." Gin said.

"Well anyways do you guys want to get something to eat?" Zero asked stretching his back.

"That's the only good thing you've said." Gin said.

"Yes! I'm so hungry let's go." Soji said getting up and trying to fly off.

"Soji Wait!" Matthew yelled to him.

"What?" Soji asked.

"Here's a senzu bean so you don't look so beat up when we get there." Matthew said.

"I guess that's true...thanks!" Soji said eating it and flying off.

"We didn't even decide where we're eating!" Zero said.

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