Chapter 3: Familar

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*at a nearby destroyed city*

"Tch! Damn we're too late!" Soji said, looking at the flames on the buildings.

"S-Soji look over there!" Zero said pointing at a man in a mask.

"Hey you bastard! How could you kill all these people!" Soji said angrily.

*the man looked at them and started floating closer*

"He's getting closer! Get ready." Zero said sparks going around him.

*the man was right next to them and just looked at them both*

"So are we going to fight or what?" Soji said.

"I guess he's a man of few words-ACK!" Zero said as the man punched Zero's stomach.

"ZERO!" Soji said as Zero fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

"You're going to pay for that!" Soji said punching him in the face.

*the man looked at Soji and started to laugh a little*

"How dare you!" Soji said kicking and punching and shooting ki blasts to no effort.

*the man emerged from the blasts and grabbed Soji by the head squeezing it*

"Ack!" Soji said started to lose consciousness.

*the man threw Soji to the ground and grabbed him by the foot and started slamming him around*

"AHHHH!" Soji screamed in pain trying to get out.

"Special Beam Cannon!" Zero yelled shooting it at the man piercing through his arm.

"What!?" Soji said shocked.

*the man dropped Soji and vanished behind Zero knocking him to the ground and making his hand turn into a blade of ki*

"No Zero!" Soji said shooting as many ki blasts as he could.

"Wait no!" Zero said trying to get up.

*the man grabbed Zero and slowly put the blade into his chest*

"Ack!" Zero said trying to breathe.

*the man threw Zero into a building*

"You! How could you do that to my friend!" Soji said as purple and red waves of energy sparked around him.

"TAKE THIS!" Soji said throwing ki blasts at him while he dodged them all.

"Hiyah!" Soji said vanishing behind the man kicking him in the back followed by hitting him to the ground.

"Brave!" Soji said charging at him and hitting him in the chest.

"Heat!" Soji said letting all his ki out and firing it at the man making a crater in the city."

"*huff* *huff* did I do it?" Soji asked himself looking at the smoke in the crater.

"I should go get Zero to a hospital." Soji said slowly floating to Zero.

"Ok now I hope I have enough energy to even get hi- Ah!" Soji being grabbed by the arm.

*the man grabbed Soji and started smashing him through buildings*

"AHHHH!" Soji screamed in pain gasping for air.

*the man threw Soji on a building and watched him fall off right next to Zero*

"I can't get up..." Soji said trying to breathe.

*the man started to charge a ki blast*

"I'm sorry everyone...I failed." Soji said passing out.

*20 minutes later*

"Huh? I'm not dead." Soji said, looking at the destroyed city.

" that someone else fighting that guy!" Soji said as he saw two people fighting in the sky.

"Who are those two?" Soji asked as the two fighters went through buildings.

*the new fighter teleported in front of Soji*

"Hey you! Take this and give one to your friend." The stranger said as he went back to fighting the villain.

"I guess I have no other choice." Soji said as he ate the bean the stranger gave him.

"Here Zero." Soji said feeding the bean to Zero.

"Woah! I feel amazing!" Soji said as his energy came back and he felt stronger than ever.

"What happened?" Zero said getting up.

"You got beat up and almost died but someone else is fighting that guy now and he gave us magical beans." Soji said

"Neat, let's help because I feel a lot stronger after that!" Zero said pumped up.

"Heh your right! Let's go show that villain what for!" Soji said charging at him.

"Hmph! Take this!" The stranger said jumping over the man's blast and kicking him in the face.

"Haaaa!" Soji yelled charging with a ki blast until colliding with the man.

"Final Breaker!" Zero yelled coming from behind and hitting the man hard in the back.

"Hiyah!" Soji yelled slamming the man to the ground.

"Kaaa meeee haaaa meee HAAAA!" The stranger yelled shooting the blast a man making a huge explosion.

"Did that do it?" Soji asked.

"Probably not." Zero said.

"You damn brats!" The man yelled as his mask was broken.

"...j-Jay?" Soji asked shocked and confused.

"Heh my dear old friend Soji." Jay said, looking at him.

"H-how did you live! I thought you died!" Soji yelled sad and angry.

"Maybe I'll explain it another time." Jay said floating high.

"If you survive that is." Jay said making a small spark of ki appear from his hand.

"What is that supposed to do?" Zero asked.

"....this." Jay said making the small spark of ki turn into a gigantic ball of energy.

"This could destroy this city and all life form probably 50 to 100 miles!" Jay exclaimed.

"We have to push it back!" Soji said charging up.

"Yeah or else we're all toast!" Zero said charging up.

"I guess you're right!" The stranger said charging up.

"Heh have fun!" Jay said leaving.

"Tch! It's so powerful!" Soji said struggling to stay up.

"W-we have to push harder!" Zero said.

"Yeah come on! Full power!" The stranger said pushing as hard as he could.

"Ahh! It's not enough!" Zero said.

"C-Come on!" Soji yelled almost getting sucked in.

"It's going to absorb us!" The stranger said.

"Burning Attack!" Someone yelled from behind them.

"What?" Soji said as the blast started to crack.

"It's going to burst!" Zero yelled.

"We're Screwed-! *vanish*" The stranger tried to say as they all were teleported away as the blast exploded only destroying the city.

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