Chapter 13: Loss and Destruction

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*as Soji went to the arrived to Conton City he saw it in flames and buildings collapsed*

“N-no this can’t be happening again.” Soji said looking around.

“Where is Trunks!? Where is everyone!?” Soji asked.

“Hello? Soji is that you?” Elder Kai asked.

“Elder Kai! You’re ok!” Soji said.

“Yeah of course I am! Everyone is off on a mission and something happened because they can’t come back!” Elder Kai said.

“That’s why everything is in chaos.” Soji said.

“You need to get to Frostbite now!” Elder Kai said.

“Where is he? Where are you?” Soji asked.

“I’m fine that’s all you need to know right now! But get your friends and head to North City!” Elder Kai said.

“Alright will do! Stay safe Elder Kai!” Soji said.

“Soji! There you are!” Zero said.

“Oh there you guys are! We need to head to North City as fast as possible!” Soji said.

“Oh my! What happened to the city?” Matthew asked looking at it.

“We were in there too long!” Jay said.

“Well we need to go now!” Gin said.

“Right! Let’s go!” Soji said flying off with the others following.

*at North City*

“Where is he?!” Soji asked.

“I sense him up in the air!” Zero said looking up.

“What’s that dropping from the sky?” Matthew asked.

“What the?” Gin said as a body crashed into a car.

*they all sat there in shock as all the bodies of the people from North City drop from the sky*

“Watch out!” Soji yelled.

*they all dove out of the way and the bodies stopped dropping*

“Wait! There's a ton of more energy levels up there with him!” Zero said.

“Tch! What are we supposed to do! We just witnessed everyone in the city drop from the sky!” Soji yelled.

“We fight.” Jay said firmly.

*100’s of people slowly from to the sky*

“Oh my! I see two familiar faces! One is a hopeless boy and the other is a traitor.” Frostbite said.

“I wasn’t a traitor! I just can’t hurt innocent people anymore! It’s wrong! WHAT YOU DID TO THESE PEOPLE IS WRONG!” Jay yelled.

“The temper on this boy, I see quite a few new faces as well!” Frostbite said grinning.

“Don’t you smile you bastard! I’m going to make you pay for what you’ve done!” Soji said.

“Ha...HAHAHAHA! You are hilarious! You are just as stupid as you were when I first arrived!” Frostbite said.

“Soldier 1375! Do it!” Frostbite said.

“Yes sir!” The soldier said freezing them all in place.

“What!?” Matthew said confused trying to move.

“Damn it! We can’t move at all! What are we going to do!” Gin asked.

“I’m going to close my eyes and randomly shoot one of you until you die!” Frostbite said closing his eyes and charging a beam.

“Wait no!” Soji yelled as Frostbite fired a beam.

“Ack!” Matthew said getting shot through the chest.

“Oh ho ho ho! I guess I picked a new guy!” Frostbite said shooting Matthew through the heart.

“NOOOO!” Everyone yelled as Soji broke out of telekinesis.

“Oh? That’s surprising but what are you going to do now?” Frostbite asked.

“Shut the fuck up!” Soji yelled slicing soldier 1375 in half.

*As the soldier was cut in half the others were freed from the telekinesis*

“Matthew!” Zero said running up to him.

“Matthew where’s the senzu beans! We can save you!” Gin said.

“Tch...I already told you guys that I was out...I’m sorry everyone.” Matthew.

“Wait I can heal you if I give you enough of my energy!” Soji said trying to heal him.

“T-thank you for trying but I got shot through the heart. I don’t know if a senzu bean could even heal me.” Matthew said.

“We can wish you back with the dragon balls!” Jay said.

“Heh thank you...I believe in you beat this monster.” Matthew said, closing his eyes.

“Poor kid, well I guess we shall carry on.” Frostbite said.

“Zero! Gin! You guys fight his men! Jay and I are taking on Frostbite!” Soji said powering up.

“Oh you guys believe that you can take me on with just the two of you? Fine be my guest.” Frostbite said.

“Right! Beat his ass you two!” Zero said kicking a guard to the ground.

“What he said!” Gin said throwing a huge ki blast in the middle of the army.

“Ready Soji?” Jay asked.

“Never been more ready!” Soji said having purple and red aura emerge.

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