Chapter 10: The Hyperbolic Time Chamber

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“Tch! This gravity is crazy!” Soji said struggling to stand.

“E-Everyone use full power so we can withstand the gravity!” Zero said powering up.

“Haaaaa!” Everyone yelled going full power.

“Wow this makes it a lot easier!” Matthew said kicking and throwing punches in the air.

“Alright let’s get down to training!” Soji said.

“But there aren't enough people so someone will be left out.” Jay said.

“Who doesn’t want to fight can split themselves into two and fight themselves.” Gin said.

“Well I’m fighting Gin because she’s the only one I haven’t fought yet!” Soji said.

“Heh fine then let’s go!” Gin said throwing a punch at Soji.

“Oof!” Soji groaned getting punched to the ground.

“Zero! Fight me! I want to fight you 1v1.” Jay said.

“Alright then” Zero said running towards Jay.

“Aw man! I guess I’ll fight myself.” Matthew said making a copy of himself.

“Woah I feel so weak...I guess what I really did was split my power.” Matthew said.

*with Soji and Gin*

“Ha! Take this!” Soji said kicking Gin in the arm.

“Ow! You stupid jerk!” Gin said kicking Soji in the face.

“Jeez…” Soji said getting up.

“Heh you done yet.” Gin said walking to Soji.

“Nope! Haaaaaa!” Soji yelled firing a blast towards Gin.

“Wow is that supposed to hit me?” Gin said dodging.

“Sorry but that wasn’t the point! Burst!” Soji said making the blast go up and explode making ki blasts shoot everywhere.

“What?!” Gin said trying to dodge the blasts.

“Heh you should have beefing focused on where I was! Speaking of which! Focus Flash!” Soji said having been charging a big blue blast firing at Gin.

“Augh! Damn it.” Gin said getting hit directly still trying to dodge the blasts coming from the sky.

“There’s more!” Soji said shooting smaller blue ki blasts at Gin.

“You cle- ack! Clever little bastard!” Gin said getting hit by every single ki blast.

“...whew I win but it sucks that I wasted all my energy hehe-oof.” Soji said falling on the ground passing out.

*as the smoke dissolved Gin was still standing*

“Tch...damn Soji you bested won’t next time.” Gin said falling to the ground passing out.

*with Zero and Jay* 

“HAAAAA!” Zero yelled kicking Jay in the stomach.

“Ack!” Jay said spitting out blood.

“Sorry but I still don’t forgive you for what you did to me and my friends.” Zero said kicking Jay in the face.

“Tch...I’m sorry that I did all that but I’m on your side now! I won’t ever do something like that again!” Jay said kicking Zero to the ground.

“We’ll see about that! Final!” Zero said charging up.

“Oh the Final Breaker move I can block this.” Jay whispered to himself.

“Breaker!” Zero said vanishing behind Jay trying to hit him.

“Sorry but I’ve seen that before so that’s not gonna work!” Jay said.

“Flash!” Zero said firing the beam from above.

“What?!” Jay said getting blasted away.

“I guess I pulled it off.” Zero said having his clone go back to him.

“Now let’s go check on Jay.” Zero said floating through his clone making his power go back to normal.

“T-Tch…..that Zero guy is quite something...he’s changed since the first time I fought him and that wasn’t even long ago...what happened to this guy?” Jay asked getting up.

“Well Jay it appears I bested you! I’m going to fight you again soon and I have many more tricks up my sleeve so be ready.” Zero said walking off.

“When did he get so cocky?” Jay said slowly walking to the little building with beds and a fridge with a bathtub.

*with Matthew*

“Heh fighting myself is quite something! Even though I feel kind of weak right now because I split myself in two I know that I’m getting stronger!” Matthew said as he threw punches at himself.

“But I see everyone else is wrapping up so I might as well too.” Matthew said walking through his clone.

“Woah I do feel stronger! Heh but I need a nap.” Matthew said walking to the little building.

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