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"Ashlyn, we are leaving soon," my older sister yells from downstairs.

"Coming," I yell back.

I run downstairs with my bag and I see my sister, mom, and Brandon sitting at the table. They are eating breakfast.

"Good morning," I say while grabbing a cup out of the cupboard.

"It's about time you get out of bed," Brandon says, "I never thought you would come down here."

"Oh shut up. Beauty takes time."

Brandon smiles and my sister, Ellie, just laughs, "What beauty?"

"Very funny," I say giving her an annoyed look.

"When will you guys be back?" My mom asks.

"A month," Brandon says, "July 22nd is when we will be back exactly." Brandon is my best friend. He has been my best friend since we were three years old. His family is very close to my family, so that's even better for us.

For the next two weeks we are going to California. Brandon wants us to meet some of his best friends. He is actually in a band with the four of them.

"A month is so long," my mom says. "Just be careful. And call me everyday."

I giggle a bit while sitting at the table, "We will, mom. No need to worry." My mom worries a lot because my dad left her when I was born. He didn't think they were ready for two kids running around, so he left us. She is very cautious about everything now.

"Well I'm going to worry. My three babies are leaving me," she says. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and then kisses the top of Brandon's head. She then gives a kiss on the forehead to Ellie. "Well you guys better hurry up, so you can say goodbye to Chris and Gina." Brandon's parents. They live right across the street from us.

"Yea you are right," Ellie say while standing up from the table, "We should go."

Brandon stands up and so do I. Brandon wraps his arm around my sister and smiles at my mom. They have been dating for about two years now. I never thought it would be weird because Brandon has always been my best friend, but it's a little strange. I approve of it though and I'm happy for them. And Brandon still hangs out with me almost 24/7, so I can't complain.

"Do you guys have everything in the car?" My mom asks.

"Yes, we have everything. We double checked last night," I say.

"Okay, well I love you guys. Be safe and have lots of fun for me," she says while giving each one of us a hug.

"Bye, mom. Love you," Ellie says.

"Love you, bye." Brandon and I say at the same time. We chuckle a bit and we head out of the house to see Gina and Chris.

"Mom!" Brandon yells once he is inside, "We are leaving. Dad!"

"Coming," Gina says from the living room. She walks in and it looks like she has been crying.

"Mom, it's only three hours away," he says. "I'll be back in a month."

"I know, sweetie, but after that you will be there permanently and I'll never see you again."

He smiles and gives her a hug, "I'll visit you all the time, I promise. Don't cry about it though."

She laughs a bit, "Well too late on that one. She lets go of Brandon and gives me a hug.

"Please take care of him. I know how much he loves you and I know how much you love him."

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