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I lay on my bed for a little while longer and then I decide to get ready for my day. I'm going out with Brandon and then I'm going out with Nick. Which both of them are surprises, so I have no idea what we are doing.

Once I'm done getting ready I go downstairs to see the boys cleaning up the house a bit.

"Hey, guys," I say standing next to doorframe of the kitchen, "What are you guys doing?"

"Just cleaning up," Edwin says.

I nod my head and I start to pick up some things that are laying around the kitchen counters. This is what happens when a bunch of boys live in a house. It's always messy.

"You don't have to help," Austin says. "Go sit down."

I smile, "I'm capable of helping."

"Actually you aren't," I hear behind me. I jump a bit and I turn around. Brandon is standing there with his keys dangling in front of him. "Let's go, peanut."

"Already?" I ask confused. I can't believe Ellie let him leave that easily.

"Yes," he says, "Now come on, weirdo."

He starts to walk to the front door and I throw the trash away that was in my hands. "I guess I'll see you guys later. Oh, and have fun with the drama queen."

Zion rolls his eyes, "Fuck you."

I laugh and I grab my bag. I walk out the front door and I get into the passenger side of the car.

"So where are we exactly going?" I ask.

He smirks as he backs out of the driveway, "You don't get to know where we are going. Just sit back and relax."

"You suck," I say. "Can you at least tell me how long it's going to take to get there?"

He smiles again, "2 hours."

I groan and he laughs, "Really, Brandon? That's so long. I'm going to die over here."

"You will live," he says laughing. "Just play some music.

I grab the AUX cord and I plug it into my phone. I hit shuffle on my playlist and "The Box" comes on. Brandon instantly gets excited and starts singing the whole song.

[Brandon's POV]

We listen to music for about thirty minutes and then I look over to see Ashlyn fast asleep. She looks so beautiful when she is sleeping. So calm. Peaceful.

Every time we sleep together I always watch her as she is fast asleep. She doesn't know that, but I do every single time. I watch her body rise up and down as she breathes. She worries me a lot and I'm always afraid that she is going to do something stupid.

Ashlyn used to be suicidal. She isn't anymore, but it was really rough for all of us. I thank God every single day that she didn't take her life all those years ago. I really don't know what I would do without her. And that's why I like to watch her sleep. Because I can see her breathing. I can see her alive. I can see her okay.

People always tell us that we would be super cute together and that we should date. I always thought they were crazy, but recently I've been believing it. I suck at feelings, but part of me thinks I'm madly in love with her.

Actually, I know I'm madly in love with her.

I just don't want to hurt Ellie and I know Ashlyn doesn't feel the same way about me, so there is no point in even telling her.

[Ashlyn's POV]

I feel my body shaking and I open my eyes to Brandon lightly shoving me. "We are here," he says.

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