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Once I'm done unpacking all of my things I decide to take a bath because I'm very stressed right now. Unpacking and packing things gets me so freaked out, so now I just need to relax.

I grab my clothes, a bath bomb, and a face mask. I go to Brandon's room and I walk in. Bad idea because him and my sister are making out.

"Uh, sorry," I say while looking away. Well if this isn't awkward, I don't know what is.

Ellie rolls her eyes while she gets off of the bed. Brandon chuckles a bit, "What's up, Ash?"

"Where can I take a bath at?" I don't know where to take it because Nick doesn't have a bath tub in his bathroom. He only has a shower, so that doesn't work for me.

He gets off of the bed, "You can use my bathroom," he says while pointing at the door.

"Are you sure? You know how long my baths are," I say.

He smiles, "Yes, I'm sure. There is towels under the sink and shampoo is in the tub."

"Thank you, B."

"No problem."

I walk past Ellie to get to the bathroom and she looks absolutely pissed. Ellie and I have never been that close. I've always been closer to Brandon and she always had my mom. Ever since they started dating I feel like she hates me even more than she already did. Probably because she knows I have feelings for him.

I go into the bathroom and I shut the door behind me. I instantly hear Ellie whisper yelling at Brandon. I stay by the door to listen.

"Are you kidding? What is my problem?" She yells, "You are the one flirting with my sister and you are always with her."

Brandon laughs, "Ellie, she is my God damn best friend. I've had her longer than I've ever had you, so you can't be mad because of that. What do you want me to do? Drop her? I don't understand why you are getting mad right now. It's been this way since we started dating."

"Yea well it's just now hitting me that you like her and I know damn well she likes you too!"

"Screw off, Ellie. She is my best friend and nothing more. You can't stop me from being there for her. I love her and she has always been there when nobody else was."

"You know I don't even care!" She yells. "Talk to me when you are done being a jackass!" I hear the door slam and I roll my eyes.

I open the bathroom door and I rush to the door to leave. "Ashlyn, wait!" Brandon yells while grabbing my arm.

"What?" I ask.

"Why are you mad?" He asks. "I stuck up for you."

"She's right though. You are her boyfriend, so you shouldn't be spending so much time with me. I understand, Brandon."

"No, no. Why would I throw everything we have away? You are my best friend and you know that."

I sigh, "I know that, but she hates me even more because you guys are dating."

"She doesn't hate you. She is your sister. Ellie loves you and so do I."

I smile a bit, "I love you too, B."

He smiles and grabs my small body. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same. My face rests against his chest as I listen to his heartbeat. He kisses the top of my head and I let out a huge breathe.

Jesus, I'm so dumb. Why didn't I just tell him that I love him like that? Maybe he feels the same? Yea right.

I would do anything, absolutely anything, for him to love me in that way.

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